View Full Version : The Tuf Shine Long Term Test (?)

03-24-2014, 04:23 PM
Earlier this month, I was finally able to coat all my vehicle's tires with Tuf Shine Tire Cleacoat. I am very curious (and excited) to see how it will hold up for me, given the positive things I have heard about the product, but not personally experienced. I intend to post to this thread every week or so, with a new photo documenting the appearance of my tires, just to see how long it really does last. So, without further ado, the first set of pics:

Coated on 13 March 2014; photo taken the day after.
Photo taken 24 March. There was 4-6" of snow on the ground on the 18th.

03-24-2014, 05:19 PM
Great idea! Looking forward to applying Tuf Shine to my new tires...

03-24-2014, 06:30 PM
I have a friend who lives in Seattle who applied the Tuf Shine four months ago, I asked her how were the tires holding up with the Tuf Shine being the environment there is always wet this time of year.
She cleans them using soap and water most of the time but does clean them with Simple Green when extra dirty.
She sent me a shot of the tires just last week and still after four months they still look great.
I was amazed how they still looked like the day she applied it, maybe a little less shine but still has a nice sheen and the tires are super black.

03-31-2014, 12:49 PM
This past week brought a roller coaster of weather. Two inches of snow on Tuesday, back up to 60 on Friday, and then it rained all weekend. Sunday was cold again too, with not just rain but sleet and snow. Today it is back up to 60!

Again, the original 14 March finish:

31 March photo. This has not been cleaned; it has over a weeks worth of grime on it. What looks to be a splotch on the right side of the tire is lens flare. The tire looks lighter in the photo too, but it is just the time of day/the photo. In person it still looks great, especially for a dirty wheel and tire: