View Full Version : getting bumper repainted... quick question

07-14-2007, 09:40 AM
so i dont know what happened but i went to get groceries came back out to my car and there were these crazy looking scratches on my back bumper. i took it home and buffed as much of it as i could out. but there are still stress marks and there are some extremely deep scratches, and points where the paint is through the primer. sooo i am getting it repainted. i have a question which may seem silly... i figure if im going to get it repainted anyway im just going to use the bumper as a test panel for practice, and different products. is there any harm in just butchering the paint on the back bumper? i mean its going to be stripped off anyway when it goes in for the repaint right?

07-14-2007, 01:20 PM
I think its a great opportunity to do some testing and evaluating. Might actually give you some additional best practices that you might have been worried about trying otherwise. Just stop if plastic schards going flying !

07-14-2007, 05:29 PM
haha i think i am gonna do that. lol im kind of curious to what menzerna powergloss can get out on cheap honda paint.