View Full Version : Just recived my package from ag...damaged vac'nblo!!!

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07-12-2007, 07:43 PM
I was so excited to get my package today, i would check every 10 mins to see if it got here yet. well it did, and to my my horror, one of my packages were crushed :mad:




A pic of the damaged vacnblo(my thumbs down of disapproval)




Honestly, the packing job done was not good. There was no cushion on the ends of the box, the sides has plenty, but you can see in the 3rd pic i posted how the end of the vacnblo came out and got bent. this is really going to suck as now i am going to have to wait forever for a new one:mad: i understand that sh!t happens, but it suck when it does. I dubt that the damage was done on AGs part, but better packaging might have prevented it. I am going to call ups and have a little chat with them. here are some pics of the rest of my order(which is fine, although the EZ brush was crushed as well)


07-12-2007, 07:46 PM
### why are my pics blurry!

07-12-2007, 07:55 PM
All you need to do is contact us and you will get a new one!

07-12-2007, 07:56 PM
you are going to love the metro when thinks get worked out. if you didn't get the cart and the turbo brush, they are really worth it IMO.
sorry the posty wacked your box.

07-12-2007, 08:00 PM
Yepp its boring, happend to me to once.

But the rest of the stuff looks like sweet stuff imo, shacking pics? maybe cos your still pi$$ed when taking them????:D

07-12-2007, 08:08 PM
Yepp its boring, happend to me to once.

But the rest of the stuff looks like sweet stuff imo, shacking pics? maybe cos your still pi$$ed when taking them????:D

probably :p

07-12-2007, 08:08 PM
looks to me like anger should be directed at UPS ... your rep probably kicked it round abit before delivery. Did you give him an X-mas gift last year ??

07-12-2007, 08:09 PM
All you need to do is contact us and you will get a new one!

i know, but now i have to wait for it to get to you guys..then i have to wait for it to come back to me.uhggg

07-12-2007, 08:11 PM
i know, but now i have to wait for it to get to you guys..then i have to wait for it to come back to me.uhggg
How about you call my ext in the morning and I will personally take care of you.;)
1-800-869-3011 ext 207

07-12-2007, 10:03 PM
That sucks.

But dont worry! When my big bottle of clay lubricant spilled in my package, AG took care of me. They sent me 2 free bottles of clay lube in less than a week. And you know how long it takes to get a shipment from florida!

07-12-2007, 10:34 PM
I understand your adrenaline level but in this case jJust calm down and call Meghan like she told you to. I have never needed to call them with CS issue but it is my understanding from what I hear that AG's CS is exccellent.

07-12-2007, 11:56 PM
I understand your adrenaline level but in this case jJust calm down and call Meghan like she told you to. I have never needed to call them with CS issue but it is my understanding from what I hear that AG's CS is exccellent.
I call those poor people from AG CS all the time:p I always find them helpful, especialy Dwain, hes been very helpful. I will call you tomorrow Meghan, thank you. I did try the vacnblo for a few seconds though......WWWWWOOOOOOOWWW POWER!!!! This thing is like the M3(or R8) of vacuums. It really blo's! and it sucks too, really sucks :p . I have not got a chance to really try it on a car yet, but when my new one comes in i will do a review. Also, for those first time users of the vacnblo, becareful when you turn it on! make sure you hold on to it, i didnt and the thing fliped over on its side, it does not do it hard enough to hurt the vacuum, it just scard the lights out of me. cant wait to use my new one. I also will be reviewing menzerna 106, ip, and glaze. also the foam gun.

07-13-2007, 08:59 AM
Sorry to see that your package made it but not in the best of shapes. Man that delivery person must have done a nubmer on that box because all my orders from AG have been top notch package, full of that white popcorn stuff and sometimes wrapped in bubble wrap. When I get my stuff the boxes don't look all that great but the inside is packed really well. Well at least Meghan will take care of you, when she sais "I will personally take care of you" man that is just music to my eyers, when she sais that to me I know she's sweet talking me ;)

All joke a side, nice order.

07-13-2007, 02:07 PM
looks to me like anger should be directed at UPS ... your rep probably kicked it round abit before delivery. Did you give him an X-mas gift last year ??

My UPS delivery man literally throws my packages down my front walk way onto my front steps. I wonder what I did to tick him off so bad. :confused:

07-13-2007, 02:26 PM
Mr. Damaged Vac, did not hear from you today, please give me a call tomorrow, I will be in the office from 830-4pm
Thanks :D