View Full Version : Avoiding Swirls

03-11-2014, 10:24 AM
One more question on avoiding swirls Mike. And thanks for the previous advice. I decided to go with Pinnacle products for sealing and waxing. I'm in the south, and we are at the beginning of pollen season. We are getting very high pollen counts right now. I'm wondering if pollen, although microscopic, as well as organic could cause swirls. What's your opinion?

03-11-2014, 10:29 AM
I doubt pollen by themselves alone would cause swirls.. But improperly washing pollen off the surface can deff. induce swirls.

03-11-2014, 11:04 AM
Swirls are a product of mechanical force over contaminants. One could never completely eliminate the possibility of swirls but they can minimize them by using proper washing technique and applying a protective coating. Even then it is possible to put swirls into the coating but tis better to polish out a coating than more of your clearcoat!

03-11-2014, 11:27 AM
When you look at pollen on a microscopic level this is what it looks like:
http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee289/thoryamaha919/image_zps2dc54ba5.jpg (http://s232.photobucket.com/user/thoryamaha919/media/image_zps2dc54ba5.jpg.html)

Not something that is paint friendly.

I would rinse or better off foam the care to safely remove the pollen with out scratching the paint or greatly reduce that chance.

03-11-2014, 12:29 PM
Every detailer's nemesis....pollen, dust, dirt, oxidation, sun, rain, etc. We all deal with it every day.

tone357 just kick its a_ _ with a foam gun, 2-bucket wash grit guard system!! When you do...please post the pics!! We are the Detailer's League!!!! Just become the Hulk and BASH it away!!!! LOL

Have an awesome day!!!

If the paint is perfect then add a sealant (and top it with a wax like I do, but not necessary).

03-11-2014, 01:26 PM
I live several hundred feet off main road and our driveway is gravel. The vehicle sets outside and I just can't wash it everyday. Rain and wind working on gravel dust will swirl it out

03-11-2014, 01:41 PM
My truck has been getting completely covered in pollen lately. When I don't have time to wash it I will go to a spray and pay place. If I am going there I make sure to bring some waterless wash and a few microfiber towels.

When I get there I soak my truck in the waterless wash. Most of these places have a option for a spot free rinse, that's the one you want to use to wash the pollen and waterless wash off your car. Then after you pull your car out of the car wash booth you can spot clean any areas if needed.

03-11-2014, 01:48 PM
At Bicycle
If I had to deal with those conditions every day I think I just might have to give up on waxes and sealants and go to the dark side of coatings. Nothing else can compete with the protection that a coating can provide.

Mike Phillips
03-11-2014, 03:04 PM
I'm wondering if pollen, although microscopic, as well as organic could cause swirls. What's your opinion?


The more accumulation of pollen and the more time that goes by the more abrasive the mess will be to get off your car.

Remember, for anyone that leaves their car parked outside over night...

Dew happens...

By dew happens, I mean light dust or a light collection of fresh pollen is one thing. When dew forms over your car's body panels over night it gels the pollen together to form a film or paste on your car. The more time that goes by the thicker the film will get so don't let pollen get out of control.
