View Full Version : getting spots off my new SUV HELP!!!!

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06-06-2006, 10:01 PM
I have a 05 pathfinder and I got these darn spots on my window. I did do the worst thing ever and go to a car wash and that darn spot free stuff and wax was applied (I didn't want that though). I also washed the car here at home where my water sucks if I don't dry it all the way quickly. These spots I cannot get off. Itried the following and it doesn't TOUCH IT!!
a. windex nothing
b. pure ammonia (nothing)
c. Invisible Glass by Stoner nothing
d. Scratch free Comet (nothing)
e. bug and tar remover nothing
f. ceramic cooktop cleaner nothing
g. vinegar (nothing)
h. citrus spot remover (nothing)
i. alcohol nothing
j. water HAHA nothing

What do I do?????????????????????????????????????
It looks like crap and I don't know what to do. I don't want to spend a fortune on something that doesn't work!!

Is it hard water spots or the stuff from the car wash?????????????
I will never go to the car wash again!!!!!!

DS Detailer
06-06-2006, 10:14 PM
sounds like etching. You may need a polish.

06-06-2006, 10:25 PM
what in the heck is etching??? Does this mean I have scratches in the glass? How and the heck did that happen? Will polish take it off? Do I need to take it to a professional???? I don't wnat to scew up this new vehicle!!

DS Detailer
06-06-2006, 10:30 PM
Etching is when a chemical eats into the glass. Polish by hand should work... or try DP Glass restorer.


06-06-2006, 10:45 PM
I ordered some of that DP glass restorer. I am going to try that and do it by hand. Don't have a polisher. Apparently I can use it like waxing a car. Thanks and hope for the best. Have you worked with this stuff before? Let me know what I am up agaginst.

DS Detailer
06-06-2006, 10:49 PM
I ordered some of that DP glass restorer. I am going to try that and do it by hand. Don't have a polisher. Apparently I can use it like waxing a car. Thanks and hope for the best. Have you worked with this stuff before? Let me know what I am up agaginst.

I haven't used it before, but DP makes great products.

Etching isn't too bad, just hope it's not serious.

06-06-2006, 11:23 PM
I had some bad spots on my glass on my suv as well, pry there for at least 3 years (like where the wipers miss etc). I have DP Glass Restorer which is very good but not for the real tough spots. Only thing I found that works is get some #0000 steel wool and some Klasse AIO. Put a couple drops on the pad and start rubbing around in circles. Use pressure but not so much that you cause slight marring (very fine scratches you can't really see on the glass). I got some of those and could only tell at night when light was reflecting. DP Glass Restorer pretty much took care of it though.

I also had a cusotm 4" orange pad made by Edge that made quicker work on the spots that weren't so tough/etched.

06-07-2006, 03:33 AM
DP Glass Restorer will do the trick. This stuff is great and easy to use.

06-07-2006, 09:59 PM
the spots have been there only a couple of months. I never had this problem before. What may have caused it??? My car is only a year old!

06-07-2006, 10:05 PM
Where can I find the steel wool? I don't think I want to mess with this stuff!! It is pretty spotted on the side windows, but where the wipers wipe it is not as bad! Of course, like some of you said where the wipers didn't hit you can see the line. I just never had this problem

OK, let's say I get this stuff off, how and the heck do I prevent this from hapening again? Wax it?? Rain-X?? Would regular wax work?? I am still needing to wash the car in my yard with the crappy water!

06-08-2006, 08:10 AM
Where can I find the steel wool? I don't think I want to mess with this stuff!! It is pretty spotted on the side windows, but where the wipers wipe it is not as bad! Of course, like some of you said where the wipers didn't hit you can see the line. I just never had this problem

OK, let's say I get this stuff off, how and the heck do I prevent this from hapening again? Wax it?? Rain-X?? Would regular wax work?? I am still needing to wash the car in my yard with the crappy water!Any hardware shop, Home Depot etc. Just make sure you get #0000 , anything lower will risk scratches (like #00). You should be fine since it's a couple months old, mine were really bad (3 years plus) and that was the only way to remove short of replacing the glass. I used a little AIO rubbed a section, little AIO rubbed another section and on and on. Vinegar will work with the steel wool but I ended up having some kinda of reaction and the steel wool starting dusting and turning red like rust lol.

I then followed up with DP Glass Restorer, which might work if it's a couple months old, opther wise steel wool and AIO are really way. I have both products. I didn't put any wax or anything on the windows b/c AIO will leave a sealed layer, and in rain my glass just beads right off.

06-08-2006, 01:24 PM
what is AIO??? probably an abbreviation for some simple product. I also see that you are from Boca. Will that brutal summer sun make your condition worse?? I live in Delaware and my uncle lives in Boca and my grandmother lives in Delray. I know it is crazy humid in the summer and that sun is a fireball!

06-08-2006, 01:27 PM
AIO is Klasse All-In-One.


06-13-2006, 10:14 PM
bought some of that DP glass restorer and used it on one of my windows. Doesn't touch it! Make the glass smoother, but the spots are still there. Should I try the 0000 wool? I think I will try it and do it very lightly. Can I use the glass restorer with it to get some lube on the window.

06-13-2006, 11:05 PM
bought some of that DP glass restorer and used it on one of my windows. Doesn't touch it! Make the glass smoother, but the spots are still there. Should I try the 0000 wool? I think I will try it and do it very lightly. Can I use the glass restorer with it to get some lube on the window.Like I said I have DP Glass Restorer and it doesn't do much unless the spots are fresh, and in that case any QD will usually work anyway. If you have stubborn spots, Klasse AI0 and #0000 Steel Wool are the only way to go, unless you want to replace the glass. Even chrome polishes etc that others tried didn't work for me.

I would put a couple dabs of AI0 on an area of the pad and start rubbing in circles and go from section to section etc. It will take quite a awhile, believe me. You will feel the pad gripping and removing the spots. I got some slight, very, very fine microscratches but could only see them at certain angles at night. Used DP Glass Restorer and QD after and it was fine. Maybe I let to much micro-grit collect in teh pad, so wipe down after each section and frequently flip/change pads.

Plus AI0 left the acrylic coating on my glass and it beads like crazy now, much better then Rain-X in the rain.