View Full Version : Wanting my own Website

03-04-2014, 12:10 PM
I've been thinking about having my own website.
Question, where do I begin and who has the best deal?


03-04-2014, 12:18 PM
Wix is impressive.

Buy a domain name so you aren't listed at something like freewebsite.com/hateswirls.

With the ease of building a website nowadays, there is no excuse not to have one. Even if its part time.

03-04-2014, 12:20 PM
I originally purchased my website domain and builder through Godaddy. I didn't like the website builder so I went over to Wix. I love the dropdown menu's and there's a lot of cool Apps. I called Godaddy to cancel the web builder/hosting. They were actually really awesome about it, instead of refunding the money they talked me into keeping the domain until 2020 which I'm fine with. With Wix I pay about $12 a month for hosting, storage, and the builder. The SEO manager is very easy too. Well worth it in my opinion. About 80% of my business comes from my website. And people are amazed that I built it myself. I just recently started another company and used wix again for that website.


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03-04-2014, 12:21 PM
If your looking for a low cost option you can give SnapPages - Create a Website (http://snappages.com/) a try. This is what I have my site through, and you can pretty much do it for free if you want. It will cost you like $20 to purchase your domain name however, but they hose the page for free if you have the basic page. It is very easy to use once you get used to it. Click my sig if you want to check mine out.