View Full Version : Merc e63 AMG Interior clean by Etiennč

03-04-2014, 01:07 AM
Friday on my way back from Vereeniging I recieved a call from a very good client of mine. He wanted me to clean the Interior of his e63 AMG the following morning. I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by , so I immediately agreed to help him on such short notice.

Saturday morning I got up at 6 and waited for the car to be dropped off. The car arrived at around 7am and I started working ( wasn't done at my place but at his friends house ). The car wasn't too filthy at all , the interior that is. When the car arrived the Saturday it stopped from a trip coming back from Kathu , about 650km's ( I did not know this , so unfortunately I didn't prep myself to wash the car. We didn't agree on a car wash but if I had my stuff with me I would DEF have washed the car for the owner ).

The beast



Powering the beast

Onto the work. I did not take before pictures as the car was clean inside. His main concern was some red stains on the front carpets that a local carwash in Kathu could not get rid of before he left. Excuse the stains on the carpets after I cleaned them , its just a tiny bit damp as it was overcast and I had a time limit to work with.

Vacuumed vs Cleaned


I vacuumed the interior thoroughly and cleaned all the creases and storage containers using various brushes. The cupholder in the centre console was extremely filthy , so much that I had to strip the cupholder out of the console to clean it :eek: All worth it though :grin: I then dressed all the trimmings on the interior and followed by applying some leather care on the seats and all the other leather bits in the car.

Here is the after pics I took before the client took off









Checking the after pics I noticed this spot on the seat :sad:


Not sure how the heck I missed it while finishing up :cry:

I had a blast cleaning up this interior. It really is a well designed interior and everything flows nicely :troll:

03-04-2014, 01:09 AM
excellent work and yes it is an beast..keep up the good work

03-04-2014, 02:36 AM
Looks great!

03-04-2014, 09:53 AM
Thanks guys Im the MAN