View Full Version : Plastic bumper and window wiper

03-02-2014, 03:43 AM
So I've got some Wolfgang 3.0 and Carpro dlux.

1. Should I use the wolfgang or dlux on the rear plastic bumper area?

2. Also, should I use wolfgang or dlux on the window wipers?

3. My car has frameless doors, so the windows press up against a rubber seal. Should I use dlux on this area?

4. And I was watching a video of somebody detailing a car, and they taped up all the plastic trim before waxing the car. Does the wax/sealant actually damage the plastic trim around the windows and the roof (the 2 strips on each sides of the roof that channels water to the front and back so the water doesn't drip down the sides into the car when the doors are open.


03-02-2014, 07:10 AM
Either Wolfgang Exterior Trim Sealant, or CQuartz DLX are head and shoulders better, and longer lasting over basically any product you can buy off the shelves in a store . (Meaning Armor All, Son of a Gun, etc)

Of the two, I would take an educated guess and say CQuartz DLX will probably be the longer lasting product.

Many waxes and sealants can stain trim, thus masking eliminates the need to have to go back and then find you need aggressive methods and products to get the trim clean again. The waxes/sealants may also hinder other products such as Trim protectants-coatings from properly bonding.

WG Exterior Trim Sealant works very well for restoring and protecting rubber window gasketing also. Dries to the touch and leaves a very supple soft feel to the rubber.

My advice, is have both on hand. I do!

03-06-2014, 01:27 AM
I'm applying WDGS 3.0 on the paint.

When I do the trim with the Dlux, would it be okay to get some of it on the paint? I'm okay with not having the best shine. I'm more interested in protection.

But would putting some of the dlux on the paint unintentionally better protect the paint?