View Full Version : This is what a brand new car SHOULD look like when you pick it up from a dealer:

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02-15-2014, 06:55 PM

I bought a new Monogram FRS today! WhooHoo! I ordered it a month ago and told the dealer not to wash it or do anything to it and they complied! I can just imagine what it would look like if they had smeared all that dirt all over it. The salesman took it and fueled it up and when I got home I saw that he spilled gas all down the side of it. That's why you don't want a dealer to touch your car, they can't even put fuel in without messing it up!

Well I have my work cut out for me for awhile, I have a lot of plans for this car but first is to get that paint protected. CQuartz and XPEL here I come!

I traded my tC RS6 on this. I got real sick of FWD and I was badly in need of another Black RWD car and the Monogram just fit what i was wanting!

Thanks for looking and I try and get some pics posted after I get it cleaned up.

02-15-2014, 07:05 PM
Sweet ride. Enjoy. Next car I get I will be taking this advice seriously. If it wasn't for Mike and AG I would be driving a rolling swirl. I really truely understand now what they can do. And for those that go to the dealer , NEVER EVER LET THEM WASH IT. I have my own signs in the glove box that I place on the dash and seats.


tuscarora dave
02-15-2014, 07:11 PM
Congrats on your new ride!! You are smart and lucky at the same time. I have no doubt you'll have that thing looking flawless soon.

02-15-2014, 07:27 PM
If you buy a car in Jersey a professional puts in the fuel lol. Congrats on the car, very nice.

02-15-2014, 07:59 PM
Wow! Congrats! What a great car. If you want to see something entertaining, look up Jeremy Clarkson/Top Gear's review of that car. One of the best reviews from them I've seen in a while. I think the car spent most of it's time sideways.

On a different note, did they take the shipping blocks off the suspension? It might be the perspective of the pictures, but it looks like it's sitting higher than other stock versions of that car I've seen.

02-15-2014, 08:22 PM
Thanks everyone!

Nate, thanks for the tip, I will take a look tomorrow but it seemed to drive just fine, was a very smooth ride, but worth a look.

Hey Dave! Nice looking website! Looks like you are doing very well, I hope that's the case and I'm happy for you!

02-15-2014, 08:30 PM
On a different note, did they take the shipping blocks off the suspension? It might be the perspective of the pictures, but it looks like it's sitting higher than other stock versions of that car I've seen.

Now that you say that, I wonder if it was PDIed considering the wheels don't have the center caps in either, but if shipping blocks were in, you'd probably have the world's harshest ride. That's what Audis are like, you go over a bump with shipping blocks in and you think you just broke your neck.

02-15-2014, 08:46 PM
Now that you say that, I wonder if it was PDIed considering the wheels don't have the center caps in either, but if shipping blocks were in, you'd probably have the world's harshest ride. That's what Audis are like, you go over a bump with shipping blocks in and you think you just broke your neck.

I don't know what they did at the port but it wasn't PDI'd at the dealer. I told them to roll it off the truck and park it and I believe that's what they did. It's still covered in plastic with stickers and writing on the glass. The center caps and antenna were in the glove box. I will PDI it myself tomorrow when I clean it up.

02-15-2014, 08:49 PM
I don't know what they did at the port but it wasn't PDI'd at the dealer. I told them to roll it off the truck and park it and I believe that's what they did. It's still covered in plastic with stickers and writing on the glass. The center caps and antenna were in the glove box. I will PDI it myself tomorrow when I clean it up.

Ok, I know with some cars they have to be PDIed at the dealer. For example, in a VW the whole radio interface won't work and they are limited to 22 MPH, but I guess Scion doesn't do it like that.

The less they touched your car the better:xyxthumbs:

02-15-2014, 09:07 PM
I personally piled a protective film from my new car, and they say no, no, no we gonna take care of it. A dealer's policy is to hand a car to customer washed w/ full tank. This is where a saga begins...

02-15-2014, 09:10 PM
I don't know what they did at the port but it wasn't PDI'd at the dealer. I told them to roll it off the truck and park it and I believe that's what they did. It's still covered in plastic with stickers and writing on the glass. The center caps and antenna were in the glove box. I will PDI it myself tomorrow when I clean it up.

No PDI? You might find some manufacturing goodies left inside of it.:xyxthumbs:

02-15-2014, 09:15 PM
I really want to add to this that if it wasn't for AutoGeek I would have never known what a dealer can do to a brand new car or that I can tell them not to touch it. I also want to Thank everyone down in Stuart and everyone around the world who are a part of this community that have provided me with the knowledge to properly clean, protect and care for a car the way it is supposed to be done. Thank You!

02-15-2014, 09:31 PM
Nicely done, all comments also adds up.

'This is what a brand new car SHOULD look when you pick it up from a dealer'.

Thanks for sharing.

02-15-2014, 11:30 PM
Sharp looking car, good luck with it.:buffing:

02-15-2014, 11:58 PM
when we bought the nephews new 13' elantra limited, they initially did not have the options we wanted at first (didn't want the splash guards and sunroof visor). then the sales guy drove us to the back dirt lot of a Kia dealership where they had one more left and it was dirty but had the white protective plastic film on the boot, roof and hood and i specifically told him if we buy it not to wash the car (they had to remove the film to insure there was no damage) not drill the front plate on and he looked at me like i was crazy lol. congrats on the new ride!, it isn't too often you get one where they haven't taken the film off or already drilled the front plate on...