View Full Version : Been busy

02-13-2014, 07:56 AM
Man I have been gone from here for quite some time now. I have a been really busy the last 6 months my business has really taken off. Right now I am booked thru February and starting on March. Just the other day had 7 cars and all were new customers. I actually had another detailer refer me the other day. Thought that was good thing. I gotta thank alot of you all on here for alot of the tips I find on this forum. Lots of great people on here. I am still always looking for ways to improve my work and products. Gotta get back to coming on here after work. I still have more to learn. That is never ending to me..lol

02-13-2014, 07:58 AM
That is great to hear Shawn! Keep at it and you will soon be booked through spring!

02-27-2014, 08:35 PM
I really have to be thankful to all my customers. This year is really starting off great. I am booking 3 weeks in advance now and I had just picked up a distributing company that wants me to come in once a month. Had to go out and finally get general liability insurance. Man that was some hard stuff to find a company that would do it.. I hope all the other detailers are starting off the year to a good start. Happy detailing everyone