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07-07-2007, 11:01 AM
My wife owns the car and yesterday was the first deatil the cars has seen..this car has been a test bed to teach the girls how to drive so it has seen its share of dings..

The game plan was to polish it up to bring some life back into it..all in all it took some time ..
Tires/wheels citrus degreaser
same process for the lower panels and wheel wheels

wheel wells dressed with Megs hyperdressing
Tires: AA tire gel

washed with NXT
I had a little DP foam soap leaf over so i used it to to neaturilize the degreaser on the wheels and lower panels

Clayed with Megs aggressive clay

Polished: Menz PG/Opt polish using a wool pad at 1800 RPMs(makita] then dropping the RPMs down to refine the finish
]LC CCS 5 "Pads on a rotory for the lower panels using OP/HTEC

Headlights: OP with a LC CCS 5" green pad follwed up with a LC white polishing pad

Rewash using ONR

XMT Glaze w/pc on a 5" blue pad

LSP Megs 16# spit shine with AW.




Left lense 50/50 shot..i polished them the best i could with what i had available.


[COLOR="Red"]Right lense complete..both lense were yellowed so the afters are an improvement


07-07-2007, 11:09 AM
Few aftershots





Compliments/Suggestions encouraged

Thanks for looking

07-07-2007, 11:14 AM
Joe you have some awesome reflection going on... Nicely done!!! You can see a big differences in the headlights...
OK when are you going to give us some Crocs shots? :D I bet you have the green ones!!!! Im the MAN
http://re3.mm-a7.yimg.com/image/3974106362 (http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fs earch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dcrocs%26fr%3Dyfp-t-453%26toggle%3D1%26cop%3Dmss%26ei%3DUTF-8&w=150&h=213&imgurl=www.soellaart.nl%2Fzomer%2Fimages%2Fcrocs_b each.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.soellaart.nl%2Fzomer%2Fnieuw s.html&size=8.7kB&name=crocs_beach.jpg&p=crocs&type=jpeg&no=4&tt=61,185&oid=796add510ecf8bfe&ei=UTF-8)

07-07-2007, 11:21 AM
Hey sparikie is back...good to see youb bro.

Now that is one mighty detail there, how was the experiance with the wool pads? I just love wool pads now, they do great work and I'm starting to get the surface SLP...but I need to be more consistant. I still like to go over it with a foam pad or two to remove what ever was left over by the wool pad. But so far so good.

Great job there joe.p I like the way the headlights look too, very nice....so how much food did you get for that detail? :D

07-07-2007, 11:38 AM
Joe you have some awesome reflection going on... Nicely done!!! You can see a big differences in the headlights...
OK when are you going to give us some Crocs shots? I bet you have the green ones!!!!
Sparkie..where have you been :) Crocs eh...toes are too sensitive to hot sun :)

Great job there joe.p I like the way the headlights look too, very nice....so how much food did you get for that detail?
__________________Nica..i really like the wool pads..they don't heat up like a the foam pads..also they cut a lite faster..i checked the panels often for heat and they never got warmer then luke warm..the trick is to keep the machine moving ..no down pressure other then the weight of the polisher .. don't stay in one spot to long and drop the RPMs to refine the finish to help eliminate halograms..

mmmm dinner..my wife took me down to Rosebuds on Taylor st for Italian food.

i though you have a patent pending on your croc shots

07-07-2007, 11:38 AM
Nice gloss and reflection on that white car, Joe.P! How long have you been using a rotary? I've seen lots of nice work done with it by Nica, Pirex, Totoland (to name a few) and am slowly, kinda sorta considering one at a later date.
Since Sparkie has the signature Croc shot, I think you should use the "fence reflection off the side of the car" shot. I think it was a Buick that you did which had that amazing reflection of the fence, running down the side of the car.

07-07-2007, 11:41 AM
joep teriffic job. She looks great. Just learned a new trick from you. That looks like a blanket over the front plastic/under hood. What a time saving idea. I've been fighting with tape and paper on that area and then still get dust in there.

07-07-2007, 11:41 AM
The car looks great! Menzerna + rotary is great! Can do wounders with it :D Like the reflections on the car! Good job bro :)

07-07-2007, 11:51 AM
Nice gloss and reflection on that white car, Joe.P! How long have you been using a rotary?alban.i picked a rotory 6 months after using a PC..i like others was a little hesitant at first..after using a PC for awhile you'll take to rotory like a duck to water..test panels are good to have around..start out slow using low RPMs..keep it moving and you'll pick it up in no town.. peple will have accidents usally after you become complacent(sp)

joep teriffic job. She looks great. Just learned a new trick from you. That looks like a blanket over the front plastic/under hood. What a time saving idea. I've been fighting with tape and paper on that area and then still get dust in there.

i put the damp towels to protect the vents from polish and to help with splatter on the windsheild..it makes for easy clean up and keeps the vents free from polish

The car looks great! Menzerna + rotary is great! Can do wounders with it Like the reflections on the car! Good job bro I hear on the Menz Pirex..i love the stuff ..in most cases you can finish up LSP ready.anytime you can save a step thats a good thing

07-07-2007, 03:10 PM
A comment on wool pads: I use the Edge 2K and the lower the speed, the more they cut. I have tried some different methods and if you use the white Edge 2K together with 3M's blue deox or Meg MG-80 to finish the polishing and put the speed up on the rotary (Flex VV 602) to 4 on a scale to 6 then you will get a superb luster on the paint.

Just my 2 cents. Outstanding work, man. You wanna do my car too?

07-07-2007, 03:11 PM
Nice job on the "test" vehicle. Your details always look so good. I like the idea of your signature shot being the fence. That's a very cool reflection shot. :p

07-07-2007, 03:40 PM
Nice job Joe....came out real nice....Real nice reflections....paint looks nice and smooth and a great gloss....Now did you do this or did Lorri do it....LOL....who cut the grass....

Anyways the 16 looks great on the car....

now get some Croc shots....

Nice job....


07-07-2007, 04:37 PM
. You wanna do my car too?hahaha..from here to sweden is a long stretch :)

That's a very cool reflection shoti never realized that pic gets any attention..you did great work as well Al417..you've been posting a lot of details ..i give you a lot of credit.. your a hard worker..

Now did you do this or did Lori do it....LOL....who cut the grass....Lori did volunter to help clay the hood but it didn't last more then that..lol

I'm not sure cleaning her car was a good idea ..she won't take her car out because it will get dirty... my car is on the st parked under a tree while her car sits in the garage :confused:

07-07-2007, 05:17 PM
Berry, berry nice Joseph. :D

07-07-2007, 08:30 PM
Joe and Carlos, I have been working and doing honey do list.:D Get-R-Done!!!!