View Full Version : Need help with two things... Paint polish & pebble plastic protectant.

02-03-2014, 04:47 PM
First things first, my paint is pretty much swirl free, but I want to get a polish on it come Spring time. I have the PB's SSR 1-3 and Master Cut ( I know too coarse ). Would the SSR1 would fine for a light polish, or is there something else that I can use for a light clean up?

Also, I have some exterior pebble textured plastic ( i.e. windshield cowl and mirrors ) I was wondering if there is something that will pretty much last a good while on them? I have PERL but I dont want to brighten it up... I want to just keep it from fading/having stuff stick deep in the texture. I have opti-seal and opti-coat. Im afraid of using the opti-coat as my luck Id leave it too heavy and have a permanent "hot"spot or build up of OC forever lol.

02-04-2014, 05:58 AM

02-04-2014, 07:45 AM
I've found using Meguiar's Ult Wax-LIQUID does a great job on the bumpy trim.

Just apply super thin (like you would on the paint), then buff it off.

To add, I've got a Chevy PU and that thing is loaded with the that kinda trim.


02-04-2014, 07:52 AM
Pinnacle advanced finishing polish works really well!

What kind of car do you have? Helps to know if you have hard or soft paint! :-)

02-04-2014, 07:49 PM
I have an 06 ford f250 powerstroke

02-04-2014, 09:08 PM
Ultima trim and tire guard or CarPro delux for the trim are my go to products. UTTG will last 3-6 months and delux over a year. Of course the durability is dependent on your environmental conditions

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