View Full Version : Seeking feedback on a unique vacuum accessory that can hold a mini flashlight!

Allan Donato
01-29-2014, 02:55 AM
Hi there! I believe this is the best place for me to ask this question. I just wanted to get your feedback or opinion on this cleaning accessory we are currently developing, the “Flashlight-Holder Vacuum Cleaner Attachment”. This product is a first-of-its-kind vacuum cleaner accessory that holds a flashlight, to provide light directly at the point of use. Please see this 4 minute video to see what this accessory is all about:

The accessory holds a flashlight, to provide a hands-free beam of light exactly where it is needed. As someone who is engaged with cleaning services/ housekeeping or homemaking, would you consider using this kind of accessory? Or would you stick to what you are using right now? Your feedback will be very much appreciated. If you want to know more about the product, just visit http://dupreehouse.com/ (http://dupreehouse.com/) Thanks Feed back please

01-29-2014, 03:34 AM
To be honest, that is a pretty great idea. There are times I have to put on a "Miner's Helment" LED to do under seats & such. Also to note in your video that clearance thing would of bothered me but you cleared that right up. Great Idea bud!

If it was less than $15.00-20.00 I would totally jump on it.

Allan Donato
02-05-2014, 09:10 PM

Thanks for the interest on our product.

Actually, this is not yet available in the market. We need people/backers that can help us to start this kind of project.

Backers can start donating on March 3, 2014. You can visit this page for more details https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1923546125/720378686?token=b7eb9e95.

02-05-2014, 09:16 PM
Try This:

Watch Shark Tank TV Show - ABC.com (http://abc.go.com/shows/shark-tank)