View Full Version : so many things went wrong at once

01-25-2014, 08:37 PM
Not sure what to think right now.

To start. My goal for today was to replace my headlights. So I replaced them. After doing so, I noticed the fenders had a gap that they didn't have before around the headlight. After manipulating the fender and getting it mostly like how it was prior(literally only moved it a few mm), I noticed that now my hood appears to sit higher than the fender at the front by a noticeable amount. It almost looks like it was partially popped or something.

Well, while looking at this I just now noticed that the lip of my hood is bent. Either someone backed into it, or its from me pressing the hood shut. Its heavily scratched too(I always so careful and my palms never slide when doing it, why would it be so heavily scratched).

I don't get why all this happened seemingly at once!

I have never noticed my hood looking like this before at the lip, and I am positive prior to installing the headlights the fender sat at the same level as the hood.

Ugh what is going on here.

01-25-2014, 08:57 PM
Hmm. I did park behind a box truck last night. Perhaps that footledge/thing bent the hood lip and overall flexed it and that's why it sits higher now?

I will take a closer look tomorrow.