View Full Version : Need help resolving some paint issues

07-04-2007, 10:53 AM
Hey all. Newbie here to the forum, but looks great thus far... Wish I found it sooner!

I have a few paint issues with my car I need to resolve. The car is a 91 300zx, its bright red. The car was completely stripped & smoothed & re-sprayed about 3 years ago. However, since last summer, the paint has these blemishes that I can not get rid of. It has light spots that are kinda pink in color. Only on areas facing up. Hood, rear hatch & spoiler, and the little bit of roof (car has t tops so mostly glass) and not on the sides. I have tried many things & they just dont go away. I did a Meguiars 3 step system, consisting of cleaner, polish & wax. When I wax it, you see them less, but they are still there. And for some reason, within a few days they are visible again. And they show their ugly faces if I wash it too.

I am thinking I maybe need something rougher to cut a little more aggressively, and then once they are gone & I have a nice shine, I should seal & protect it with a poly sealer first and then wax. So I get protection as well as get the shine of a carnuba.

I have looked into a few products & have some in mind. But want to see what you guys recommend first.

Thanks for the help

07-04-2007, 08:12 PM
Welcome to AGOL. Do you have any pics? That would help.
Hard to say what it could be, hope the painter prepped the car right. Thinking out loud, sounds like it could be silicone was on the body and paint was sprayed on top. Don't know that for sure.

07-04-2007, 11:00 PM
I will try to get some pics. In more detail, the pink spots are still shiny & dont have any texture differences. Just pale spots. Ranging from the size of a dime to a silver dollar. Resemble water spots in shape..

07-05-2007, 12:01 AM
Another thing I need to address with the car is a hazy look that I assume is oxidation. Goes away with a waxing but after a wash & dry its back. Also mostly on upward facing surfaces..

07-05-2007, 03:03 AM
Hi and welcome!!
yes, pics would really be a big help!
Everyone here will be happy to try and help.

07-05-2007, 04:10 AM
As has been already suggested a photo of the affected paint surface would really help diagnose your paint's problem and a remedy. To hazard a guess from the info given-

Clear coat bubbles –so called solvent pop is caused by the paint topcoats trapping evaporating solvent gases during curing and drying (outgas) the pressure builds causing micro-explosions (pop) pushing up small blister in the wet paint or topcoat. Solvent pop will appear after the film is "skinned over" and when sanded will have pinholes

Improper prep
Wrong solvent or reducer
Excessive film thickness
Too heavy an undercoat can trap solvents
Insufficient outgas (paint cure) Correction-Repaint the base coat and apply a clear-coat to the affected panel

07-05-2007, 01:12 PM
As has been already suggested a photo of the affected paint surface would really help diagnose your paint's problem and a remedy. To hazard a guess from the info given-

Clear coat bubbles –so called solvent pop is caused by the paint topcoats trapping evaporating solvent gases during curing and drying (outgas) the pressure builds causing micro-explosions (pop) pushing up small blister in the wet paint or topcoat. Solvent pop will appear after the film is "skinned over" and when sanded will have pinholes

Improper prep
Wrong solvent or reducer
Excessive film thickness
Too heavy an undercoat can trap solvents
Insufficient outgas (paint cure) Correction-Repaint the base coat and apply a clear-coat to the affected panel

Would this symptom have a texture to it? Because my spots dont seem to have a texture difference...

07-06-2007, 04:01 AM
I have to wash it again before I can take decent pics... Wont have time til Sat afternoon at the earliest.. From what you hear, would that Klasse kit work for me? Sounds like an awesome product...