View Full Version : newbie with a few ?'s

01-23-2014, 06:33 PM
Hey guys. I'm new to this site so if this is in the wrong spot feel free to move it.

I am not a pro detailer by any means, I only detail my own vehicles interior. I pay to get them waxed because I don't want to screw them up by doing them myself(truck and car are both black).

I have wanted a steam cleaner for a very long time now. I have done tons and tons of research on them to the point of my eyes about to bleed. I want one for not only my vehicles, but for everything around the house(preventing bed bugs, kitchens and bathrooms, furniture, etc.)

In my search I found one that I really want, but it is just too dang expensive.I would love to have the Dupray Hill Injection but at $2,300...ouch. I ended up ordering the VX5000 a few days ago from all of the good reviews I have read on here and elsewhere.

So first question. Am I going to regret buying the VX5000 and not waiting to save up for the Dupray?

2. how much of a difference is the PSI and heat difference between these two machines going to make?

3. Can a steamer remove waterspots off of the glass and exterior paint of the vehicle?

Thanks for any and all help guys. I have been reading for the last two weeks straight every night before I decided on the VX5000. I just can't help but feel like I should have got the Dupray, but if there isn't a huge difference then I will be way happier spending only the $800. The Mytee 8070 new version is next on the list. That will come in handy in my boat when lots of muddy feet are jumping in and out.

01-23-2014, 07:53 PM
Welcome to AGO :). Are you planing on doing this for a living or a side job?

01-23-2014, 08:05 PM
For basic home use you will absolutely love the VX5000. I still find myself using my tiny little Wagner 915 and it does the job. Not nearly as well as a VX, but it will suit you just fine. Best bang for the buck for sure.

As for waterspots, I have never heard of that technique. Generally you will need some sort of abrasive. Newer/softer water spots can usually be removed by hand with a gentle polish or AIO and tougher/older spots may need something much more aggressive.

01-23-2014, 08:08 PM
Hey guys. Definitely not doing this for a living. I already have a full time career. I really just planned on this for my own personal vehicles and home stuff. I might get into doing it a little on the side down the road for friends and family. I have always been the type of guy that tries to buy the best I can get and afford. Kind of the buy once cry one kind of guy. One thing about the VX is that they hold their resale pretty good it looks like so I could always sell it down the road and upgrade. If this thing has plenty of power, I won't ever get rid of it.

01-23-2014, 11:16 PM
:welcome: to AGO! :dblthumb2:

Killer choice on the VX5000! Best I can tell that is a solid machine, works great, and you NEVER fine one on Craig's List. (Which tells you how good they are.)

When I grow up I'm gonna' get me one of those. :) Or maybe when I turn 60, (which isn't all that far away these days). :laughing:

01-28-2014, 07:30 PM
Thanks guys. So what about the PSI and temp ratings? I am driving myself crazy over this. I keep going back and forth wondering if it makes a huge difference. Then I start wondering about the continuous fill and if it is needed?

I would love to hear from someone who has owned or used both the VX5000 and the Hill Injection. Is there such a noticeable difference to justify the $1,800 price difference?