View Full Version : Lincoln Navigator refresh

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01-22-2014, 01:57 PM
Found this image off instagram
Instagram (http://instagram.com/p/jeuuVZImMR/)

01-22-2014, 02:44 PM
Dead Division and Product

For Navigator money ($65k) you can have a Loaded Yukon Denali and spend the leftover $7k on detailing supplies.

The 0-60mph 6.2L in the Yukon crushes the 5.4L in the Navigator...6 seconds vs. 8.6 seconds

2014 Lincoln Navigator Luxury SUV | Perfectly Fit For You | Lincoln.com (http://www.lincoln.com/suvs/navigator/)

Build Your Own 2014 Yukon Denali | Full Size Luxury SUV (http://www.gmc.com/yukon-denali-luxury-suv/build-and-price.html?x-zipcode=73301#eyJ0YWIiOiJTVU1NQVJZIiwic3MiOiJINHNJ QUFBQUFBQUFBSDJTc1U3RE1CQ0dmM0lxVENBaEpKWU9WR1R1WU hCYlJhSkNTWnEybERRa2RWTkk5cTQ4QVcvSjh5RHdCZGNZWkhH TC9YLzVmZWM3QjhBbHNQOUE3KzBkd2Y0VlFhM0E3SmMrU3E0SE E3MkE0eFEwenlKUUhrblF1a2xCaTNvTUdxa1lWRW9CcXBRQ3RZ M2VTVkdENHVJV0pLSUpxRzcwaHpKZGZlckFkMXlCd2pERUlmZk pjSk50aFdvdDZBNWF3Zm1zNElKV3hMblVTMkRBT1F6VnBhMGxu WThjeXhTZDZGcXhGbTdrUnp4enNXTURwRW5KWFZzTGQyOUZrVV NPbjR5L1NDYyttZ2tQNWVrQlBVUDc1b1o2WUE2OVE3ZWhLaTZj REJjbUE0L2VYcWhTVzQ5bE0zNXg2TlJRbFNtSDlnMnQ1WTFuWl B5TXRzaE9TYy9CblVxODlORkhXeDl0dXRmNk95SCtxdzZsZ1RQ Y0k4RU1HUlpZNGdFcjVGaWp3Qk5LVkhDTS84VVhrV0RyYkFJRE FBQT0iLCJ2ZWhpY2xlRGF0YVNvdXJjZSI6ImNocm9tZSIsImNv bmZpZ3VyYXRpb25Hcm91cElkIjpudWxsfQ==@)

01-22-2014, 02:59 PM
Big SUV are at the end of their life the mid size is where its at now.

01-22-2014, 03:25 PM
Big SUV are at the end of their life the mid size is where its at now.

You are right to some extent. Mid-sized segment is growing.

The increase in sales of small SUV is coming from a decrease in the sale of sedans, not from decreased sales of full-sized SUV's.

The top three selling vehicles in the US are full-sized trucks. Demand for these vehicles continues to be strong according to recent sales figures:

Auto Sales - Markets Data Center - WSJ.com (http://online.wsj.com/mdc/public/page/2_3022-autosales.html#autosalesC)

Manufacturers make the highest margins on SUV's and Trucks...they will keep pumping them out.

01-22-2014, 03:28 PM
I think these big suvs are over soon, there is no point to have these when you could have a truck to tow with and haul cargo. I wonder if they will get rid of these or make them into something else?

01-22-2014, 03:46 PM
warning -this is what it might look like
2015 Lincoln Navigator Teased Ahead Of Tomorrow's Debut (And Leaked A Bit On Twitter) (http://www.motorauthority.com/news/1089852_2015-lincoln-navigator-teased-ahead-of-tomorrows-debut)

01-22-2014, 03:58 PM
ohh god that is horrible........ straight hideous.....

01-22-2014, 04:02 PM
it says leaked, but I dont know if it is the actual grille and car

01-22-2014, 04:50 PM
I think these big suvs are over soon, there is no point to have these when you could have a truck to tow with and haul cargo. I wonder if they will get rid of these or make them into something else?

I could not do everything that I do without a large SUV.

I often have in excess of $200k in inventory riding around with me. A pick-up doesn't provide the level of security that storage inside the truck does.

I also often have several people riding around with me at the same time. The four seats in my Yukon allow me to accomplish this easily; while hauling inventory in the back.

In a small SUV, I could not do both at the same time.

My third row seats went into storage the day I picked up the truck.

01-22-2014, 04:55 PM
I could not do everything that I do without a large SUV.

I often have in excess of $200k in inventory riding around with me. A pick-up doesn't provide the level of security that storage inside the truck does.

I also often have several people riding around with me at the same time. The four seats in my Yukon allow me to accomplish this easily; while hauling inventory in the back.

In a small SUV, I could not do both at the same time.

My third row seats went into storage the day I picked up the truck.

I think we will see a 400 hp ecoboost v6 from this and some aluminum designed by alcoa, translates to maybe 25 -30 mpg!

01-22-2014, 05:08 PM
I think we will see a 400 hp ecoboost v6 from this and some aluminum designed by alcoa, translates to maybe 25 -30 mpg!

That would be a huge jump form the measly 310 horsepower in the current 5.4L V8...it's a Dog!

01-22-2014, 05:21 PM
That would be a huge jump form the measly 310 horsepower in the current 5.4L V8...it's a Dog!

Same engine as an Expedition EL right? It's no rocket, but I wouldn't call it a dog.

01-22-2014, 05:25 PM
Same engine as an Expedition EL right? It's no rocket, but I wouldn't call it a dog.

0-60 in 8.5 seconds....DOG

Yukon Denali 0-60 in 6.0 seconds...flying brick

01-22-2014, 05:40 PM
0-60 in 8.5 seconds....DOG

Yukon Denali 0-60 in 6.0 seconds...flying brick

That's half the problem today. When did 8.5 seconds become slow?

I'm young and I love a fast car, but 8.5 seconds isn't actually slow.

Now something like a Jetta S with 115hp, that is a dog.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVdVyTZIhA8]2012 VW Jetta 0-60 - YouTube[/video]

01-22-2014, 05:54 PM
That's half the problem today. When did 8.5 seconds become slow?

I'm young and I love a fast car, but 8.5 seconds isn't actually slow.

Now something like a Jetta S with 115hp, that is a dog.
2012 VW Jetta 0-60 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVdVyTZIhA8)

That Jetta is almost 3 seconds faster than the Navigator 0-60

2012 Volkswagon Jetta GLI 0-60 mph 5.7

Volkswagen 0-60 Times & Volkswagen Quarter Mile Times | VW Golf GTI, Jetta, Passat, 2014 CC, Tourareg, New Beetle, XL1 and VW Cabrio 0 to 60 stats! (http://www.zeroto60times.com/Volkswagen-VW-0-60-mph-Times.html)