View Full Version : 2001 black Altima (w/ rotary) + a few reviews

07-03-2007, 10:05 AM
Well, it’s been awhile since I posted my last S&S! My last details I did were mostly Wash & Wax type of jobs, nothing to get overly excited about.

In the last couple of months, I researched a lot on rotary and wool pad, here on AGO and other forums on the internet. 3 weeks ago I purchased a HF rotary for dirt cheap over ebay and I practiced “wooling” and power polishing on my dad’s beater to get the drift before trying it on customer’s car. I also practiced using different combination of pads, speed, techniques, etc. After practicing on that beater I was confidant using a rotary. I’m so hooked on rotary now and I suggest to anyone who want to speed up their process, to really correct problems or like new challenges, to move up to rotary! I don’t think I will ever use my PC anymore, beside on mirrors or tight places.

Anyway, this car was my girlfriend’s mom 2001 Altima. I gave her a full exterior detail for her birthday 3 weeks ago and this weekend was a long weekend for me because it was Canada Day so I prep the car on Sunday night and finished it yesterday. The car was in ruff shape, full of scratches and plenty of swirls, oh and it’s black! One of the worst car I ever did and boy was it fun to do! Rotary and menzerna are detailing god gift to men!

The car came out 90% perfect. 3% were scratches too deep and 7% were because I didn’t have a “good” buffer but mostly because I’m not 100% good with a rotary….yet! :D (still better results then with a PC). Keep in mind that this was the second time using a rotary so I still need to work on my techniques a little but overall I was really happy with the end results!

Here’s my process and a couple of reviews:

Wash with 2 buckets with grit guard using the new LC UltiMitt and CG WG soap
Review: I reeaaallly love the LC mitt! I'm so glad I decided to buy it! Hold lots of water, foam alot, can clean in tight places and it's the perfect size imo. I was an avid fan of the chenille MF mitt and as of now it will be sitting there! Keep in mind that I never tried the ShMITT because I didn't like the design in the first place so i can't compare the 2

Clayed the car Ricardo "yellow" clay using ONR mix as clay lube
Review: ONR is so great. One of the best products I ever bought this year, so many great uses! Next time I am buying the gallon for sure!

Wheels were washed with Simonize Wheel cleaner (it sucks, I just want to finish my bottle and order some PB) and I also used EZ Detail Auto Brush for cleaning. Wheels were sprayed with DG 951 and tires received Megs Hot Tire Shine.
Review: If you don't have an EZ Detail Auto Brush, you need to add this tool to your arsenal! I had the Megs Wheel Spoke Brush and it sucks big time compared to the EZ Detail Auto Brush!

Then I went to celebrate Canada's Day :cheers: Came back at 10h30 the next morning to start polishing.

First I wet sanded on about 15 spots on the car using Megs 2500 grit paper.

Then I grabbed the Chicago rotary, attached a Megs Wool pad and out came the Menzerna power gloss compound
Comments: Wool pads are so great! It levels the paint and makes it easier on the other step. Plus it does not generate any heat!! I need to try other wool pad, like the Edge that AG now carry but I like the Megs nonetheless. The only thing I don’t like is the dust that PGC makes. I had to wash the car after I finished polishing and it’s an extra step that I don’t like to do.

Here my Chicago rotary broke down for some reasons :mad: and I had to run to my uncle to borrow his Hitachi rotary :) . I love the power of the Hitachi, way better then the HF imo but the only thing I don’t like is the first speed is 1400. This was a bit of an issue because I like to polish using the Zenith technique. So what I did to compensate is polish like normal, let the product break down then mist my pad with pad conditioner and do a couple of quick pass

Ok, after compounding, I followed with a Megs W-7000 pad with Menzerna SIP
Comments: I really liked the SIP/W7000 combo. Brought the paint LSP ready. SIP really cut and finished up really nice. Like I said, after the product was almost broke down, I would spray some conditioner on my pad and fully break down the product. This is some serious stuff

Then I finished polishing with a 3M wave polishing pad with some PO106 with a dab of OP for extra working time.
Comments: Even though the finish was good, PO1006 really brings out the extra! This is a MUST for any black car owners! I will always use this on black or on special cars.

I then sealed the car with jetseal109 and a coat of DG 951 for extra slickness.

Trims received: Black Again, windows: IG, headlights: Diamondite Plasti-Care Plastic Cleaner (my new plexus), door jams: DG 921

Here are a couple of pictures. I will go take outside pictures tonight after work. My batteries died on me, again….lol

Comments and recommendation are welcome like always!! :righton:

Before shots:
(on this picture, the hood was finished, PGC, SIP and PO106)




wetsanded some scratches

no more scratches :) (little dots is dust)




my gf gave me a hand after lunch. she dressed the tires, did the door jams and windows :)
(check out the reflection)

Like i said, will add more pictures later. most likely tomorrow morning

07-03-2007, 10:18 AM
Nice work! Thanks for the reviews!! I love the LC shmitt to! its sweet! The reflections is great!! Rotary is good! :D

07-03-2007, 10:29 AM
I like the reviews and sounds like the LC shmitt is a good tool. Um...is it just me or I can't see the pictures all I see is this http://aycu37.webshots.com/image/17956/2000245739472671707_rs.jpg and I really want to see the pictures.

Yup, 106FF is an incredable product. I'm surprised though that you neede extra working time, I find 106FF alone has good working time and once your pad gets well lubricated with the product your good to go for a long time...well at least that's what I've noticed.

Thanks for sharing and I'll keep cheking to see if I can see the pictures.

07-03-2007, 10:33 AM
I can see the pictures..

07-03-2007, 10:48 AM
really...mmmm...that's odd.

Thanks for letting me know pirex

07-03-2007, 11:33 AM
forgot to say i applied Menzerna glaze by hand before the jetseal

07-04-2007, 09:07 AM
Wow bro, you really turn that paint around, looks 100% better. :applause: I bet your girlfriend's mom was happy... Nice review on the products. I need to give that new LC mitt a try...

07-04-2007, 09:27 AM
Nice turnaround. What did you think of the jetseal? I am thinking of trying that and the mirror shine glaze of Cg.

07-04-2007, 09:32 AM
Nice job mate. ### did she wash the car with, steel wool?

07-04-2007, 09:54 AM
i have to say you did a fine job with the rotory..you took some extreme measures using a wool pad with Menz PG ..all said and done you did a great job..

07-04-2007, 10:12 AM
sparkie; thanks for the comment bro. I agree its ALOT better but it's still not 100%. Some scratches were just too deep! They reflect alot less now though. Yeah my gf's mom was really amazed! it's funny because at first she didn't wanted me to detail her car because she though it was a waste of time and that the car needed a paint job, not detailing. I proved her wrong! Yeah the LC mitt really amazed me, and I actually tried to be ruff on it to see if the little cubes would break and they hold on pretty good! I have a normal size hand and I think any hand size would fit perfect.

richy; jetseal is my new sealant from now on! Awesome reflection, easy application, little goes a long way. As for durability I will see but from what I've read it last a long time! I have some sample of WMF coming so I will try that also on that same car.

6LS2; yeah she used to wash her car with a kitchen rag! Plus she had her car "detailed" last year (I spotted a couple of buffer trails). I now trained my gf and her mom on how to properly wash a car, using 2 bucket method. I also gave them my MF chenille since I will not use it anymore. But I know I will wash it more often then them since I'm almost always there, and now that the car is perfect, I want it to stay that way!