View Full Version : Griots da and menzerna sf 2500

billy miles
01-17-2014, 01:12 AM
Recently pick up a new da and some sf 2500
Just a few before and after pictures. I was quite impressed with the polish and how easily it got rid of the pretty ugly swirling. The paint now is nearly perfect after only about 2 hours of work, strongly recommend.
Second to last picture is a poorly done 50/50 shot but you can still see the difference it made. Topped with wg deep gloss sealant and wheels have dp wheel glaze.

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01-17-2014, 01:59 AM
Looking good!

I love Menzerna products. Very easy to use.

01-17-2014, 10:25 PM
Recently pick up a new da and some sf 2500
Just a few before and after pictures. I was quite impressed with the polish and how easily it got rid of the pretty ugly swirling. The paint now is nearly perfect after only about 2 hours of work, strongly recommend.
Second to last picture is a poorly done 50/50 shot but you can still see the difference it made. Topped with wg deep gloss sealant and wheels have dp wheel glaze.

Sent from my HTC VLE_U

I think you mean "PF" 2500 not "SF". to elminate any confusion a lot of times I'll use the now old school name of 'power finish'

I use it pretty often for 1 step corrections. Usually starting with heavy pressure and lightening the speed and pressure towards the end to max out the gloss as best I can. So first I 'power' then I 'finish'

Paul Mitchell
01-17-2014, 10:28 PM
Looks good!

01-17-2014, 10:29 PM
Looks great! Next time hit it with Menz 4000 to cut off the old sealant, follow up with 4500 and then hit it again with the WDGPS and you won't be able to keep your jaw off the floor! :-)

01-17-2014, 10:30 PM
Looks great! Next time hit it with Menz 4000 to cut off the old sealant, follow up with 4500 and then hit it again with the WDGPS and you won't be able to keep your jaw off the floor! :-)

Black paint LOVES LOVES LOVES this kind of Menz spa treatment! (IF your willing to put in the time!)

E.T.A. OMG! Did I just quote myself??? Sorry fellas. I didn't mean to do that! Lol! This is what kids and lack of sleep does to a person!

billy miles
01-17-2014, 10:53 PM
Sorry my bad I meant to say pf my phone auto corrected. I would have liked to strip off old sealant but was somewhat pressed for time and the results were good enough for the time I spent

Sent from my HTC VLE_U