View Full Version : What's the most craziest thing that has happened to you! Detail related

Daniel Kinder
01-16-2014, 06:54 PM
Like the title reads, what's the most craziest thing that has happened to you or went on or maybe a payment?

Mine happened about 6 months ago or so, I just got layed off from work and started back to detailing to help ends meet and one of my buddie's was also drumming up work for me. He would call or text me and ask prices and questions as well as he's buddies.

I got 2 different guys mixed up and one of them called me and ask me what I would charge him to do a quick wash and wax on his VEHICLE(his word he used) I thought it was another guy that wanted me to wash and do a quick AIO on his mustang before a big race that coming weekend that we talked about a week prior.

I told him $150 he said OK, next he ask me if I would take trades. TRADES? he said yes he had a brand new still in the box Harier HLP23E top load washer he would give me. I had my laptop out in the garage when he called so I kept him talking while I goggled it up. It was on sale for $349.00 at lowes.

I told him yeah I quess but going to have to have $50.00 cash to boot. He agreed and told me he would bring his TAHAO! over. WHAT!! He said boy or you going to have your work cut out, it was his wife's and their 3 young kids did a number on the inside. And the outside was swirled pretty bad.laughing: What have I done. Spent about 15 to 17 hours over the next two days buffing and spent about 3 hours or more just on the inside!

Anyways I'm glad I got the washer as trade in because I would have lost big time on that deal, first time I've ever got two people mixed up and hope it's the last! :D:laughing:

Anyway this worked out great because now I have my own washer for my micro fiber towels and buff pads. This post would be worthless w/out pics so here is my new micro fiber towels washing machine.

