View Full Version : Vibration White Finger Syndrome

07-03-2007, 12:29 AM
I felt that this was inportant, I just wanted to inform my fellow auto geeks, i would hate for this to happen to any one, some people dont know about this and they end up causing damage to their bodys. Vibration White Finger (http://en.wikipedia.org/####/White_finger) (VWF) "For years vibration overexposure has shortened many careers, causing irreversible damage to workers' nerves, muscles, bones, joints, and blood flow". Working 6 hours with a PC or other powered machine can give you VWF if you use it enough, "Using a tool (http://en.wikipedia.org/####/Tool) that vibrates slightly for a long time can be as damaging as using a heavily vibrating tool for a short time. " Plus there are alsorts of other damage vibrations can do. Even if you feel ok now, doesnt mean there is no damage being done, most people feel it when they get older, even if they havent used power tools in years. It can really screw up your life. This isnt ment to scare anyone, just be safe out there guys and gals.:)

07-03-2007, 12:31 AM
I quit! No more detailing for me! Just kidding. A lot of people complain about vibrations, I really dont have any problems. The only thing that hurts is if I hold onto the end of the handle that comes with the PC. If you're going to use it then dont hold onto the end of it. if you dont use it, then hold onto the head of the PC with one hand, then the beginning of the cord where it comes out of the PC with the other.

Mr Dream Machines
07-03-2007, 12:40 AM
I sure have had sore trigger finger after several hours of work. Not the same as VWF though

07-03-2007, 12:54 AM
Fortunately the rotary is smooth as butter. :)

07-03-2007, 01:18 AM
Try this for the vibration... it is Sound Therapy. (Rife Therapy)

Educate-Yourself.org -NCH Audio Tone Generator (http://educate-yourself.org/nch/index.shtml)

Follow the instructions to download the NCH tone generator.

Then run the program and set the tone to one of the following:

Numbness 10000,2720,2489,2170,1800,
Numbness arms, fingers 20,727,787,880,5000

Try and find the one that works best for you. I have not personally tried this for VWF yet but probably will once I get my PC on friday.

Here are more frequencies for other symptoms:

Educate-Yourself - (http://educate-yourself.org/nch/Freqchart1.shtml)
Educate-Yourself.org-Frequency Chart II (http://educate-yourself.org/nch/Freqchart2.shtml)


07-03-2007, 01:36 AM
Try this for the vibration... it is Sound Therapy. (Rife Therapy)

Educate-Yourself.org -NCH Audio Tone Generator (http://educate-yourself.org/nch/index.shtml)

Follow the instructions to download the NCH tone generator.

Then run the program and set the tone to one of the following:

Numbness 10000,2720,2489,2170,1800,
Numbness arms, fingers 20,727,787,880,5000

Try and find the one that works best for you. I have not personally tried this for VWF yet but probably will once I get my PC on friday.

Here are more frequencies for other symptoms:

Educate-Yourself - (http://educate-yourself.org/nch/Freqchart1.shtml)
Educate-Yourself.org-Frequency Chart II (http://educate-yourself.org/nch/Freqchart2.shtml)


That was some interesting reading, thank you! but if you ask me its BS. I dont see how generating tones can help with back pain or low blood pressure. Thats just me, im no doctor. It could be the placebo effect, you know, you trick your self into thinking it works.

07-03-2007, 01:00 PM
I think there is a disease for everything these days.... you know that typing on a keyboard can give you carpal tunnel syndrome. I'd rather be out using a PC than inside typing...

The vibrations of the PC are not bad at all and the UDM is slightly better. It all depends on what pads you use. I use 7.5" pads which I can get centered perfectly and as I've said before I can use with 2 fingers. With other pads, if you don't get them centered, will cause the machine to vibrate.

07-03-2007, 03:39 PM
The machine does not need to have a strong vibration to cause harm to your body "Using a tool (http://en.wikipedia.org/####/Tool) that vibrates slightly for a long time can be as damaging as using a heavily vibrating tool for a short time."

07-03-2007, 05:51 PM
Ive had middle finger-itis .... never realized it either, but others suggest I may have tossed a birdie or two their way !

07-03-2007, 10:26 PM
Ive had middle finger-itis .... I may have tossed a birdie or two their way !
LMAO...Thought you said a bride or two:o