View Full Version : Black 350Z with Menz/FMJ/Collinite

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06-30-2007, 10:41 PM
This is a black 350 Z that I was supposed to do a few weeks ago and finally got to do it this weekend. It looked ok in the driveway (slightly dirty) but after cleaning and under the lights, I had my work cut out for me. The plastic areas in particular had some bad scratches that I really took my time with so as not to burn the paint. There are before and after pics of the worst area on the plastic (shots where you can see my ugly mug). I do like a challenge:D. The customer has so happy with the results that he is having me do his other 2 vehicles..how cool is that?? Here's the process:

Wheels got Fantastic behind the spokes to loosen up grunge.
Wheels then got car wash soap full strength on an old mitt to clean behind the spokes..this alone took an hour but I really believe that the wheels make a car. They looked brand new when done.

Wet sanding on 2 areas where touch up was too liberally applied. (shown in pics)
Compound with Rotary either with wool pad and Presta Ultra Cutting Creme (for the worse spots) or SIP with orange pad.
Micro Polish with either white or blue pad depending on preceeding correction.
RMG applied by hand with MF applicator and removed with gray pad with rotary and followed up by MF buff.
FMJ applied/removed by hand, allowed to cure while working next panel or another job.
Collinite 476 applied by hand.
FK 425 spritz before delivery.
Re-install licence plates.

Exhaust chrome tips done with Blue magic polish.

Wheels done with XMT 360.
Tires done with Megs Endurance gel.
Wells done with Crappy Tire foaming Tire spray. (The Canadians will get that one!)

Vacuumed well.
Carpet mats spritzed with 303 cleaner
All interior surfaces done with 303.
Glass done with IG with 2 stage MF system.

This was the 1st car I had done with a clear bra. I researched on here last night about proper care. I applied RMG by hand and Rotary removal follwed by FMJ/Collinie duo. It came out great.



06-30-2007, 11:28 PM
NIce turn around the hood shot is sick...

06-30-2007, 11:48 PM
Bags..thanks for the compliment!

07-01-2007, 12:11 AM
No problem is that you on the bike? You know LEO?

07-01-2007, 12:24 AM

07-01-2007, 12:28 AM
Very nice!! Thx for the write up too !

That black is super slick now :)

07-01-2007, 12:42 AM
Bags..yes that's me from a couple of years ago..who's Leo? I'm with Windsor PD.

D & D..thanks bud!!

Ehuth..thank you..I always learn something by reading the writeups. At least you get to see how other products work..saves you buying one of everything..haha

07-01-2007, 12:54 AM
What a shine and reflection. It's a mirror.

07-01-2007, 01:01 AM
Thanks Jimmie..Henry Ford had it right..only one colour for a car..black!!

07-01-2007, 01:09 AM
Wow! that hood is insane :applause:

07-01-2007, 01:12 AM
Well done richy, black is always a fun color to detail but you sure brought it back. I enjoyed your write up and I agree, I too always learn something new on the write up's. Those were some nasty swirls/scratches but you sure turned them around there buddy.

Love the reflection shots, nothing but mirrors...oh and I like the Crappy Tire place for simply things hahahaha you know what I mean :D

Great job buddy...question for you how long did this take you?

Oh yea, congrats on the two vehicles you got coming...what a compliment that is...well at least I think it's a compliment.

07-01-2007, 01:15 AM
Thank you devst8..I guess that's my money shot! Here's 2 others I've posted before:

07-01-2007, 01:24 AM
Nica..thaks a bunch..took me 8.5 hours all told. It's a compliment to get more jobs from the same people for sure. I had another customer for whom I wheeled out a black Honda van and ended up doing 2 more for them too..kinda cool!

07-01-2007, 06:46 AM
is that your house......errrr........mansion in the background? It's in all of your pics.....just wondering. The Z looks great! I noticed some spots on the door shots. Is that in your camera, on the car, or just the pics?

07-01-2007, 07:31 AM
hey rich your not that ugly!!! haha j/k no one else said anything so i figured i would. WOW! that is an amazing turn around, fantastic job.... what inspiried you to use 360 on the wheels?