View Full Version : Awesome Dream!

12-31-2013, 08:39 AM
Nah na na na nah! Guess who helped me detail my car last night?? So I'm looking at my car and it's in terrible condition some how so I started to get to work.

I hear a beep and see Mike Phillips pulling in my driveway to lend a hand!!!!! Seriously was one of the cooolest dreams I have ever had. It felt so real.

It's funny too because I remember asking him how to use my new PTG but sadly I don't remember his answer lol!

Just thought I would share why I woke up with such a big grin today

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12-31-2013, 08:43 AM
That's too funny! I hate waking up from a good dream!

12-31-2013, 08:46 AM
Thats cool, I would like one on one training from Mike Phillips:props: I'm assuming there was a previous conversation about him helping you or is Mike Phillips now Santa and just randomly shows up to your house with everything from the show car garage to help?

edit: just saw it was a dream, I should read more carefully!

12-31-2013, 09:49 AM
REM sleep is said to be good for the body.
REM dreaming? In this case: I believe you'll be alright!!

Once, (or more?) a long time ago:
Someone of a degreed-nature (PsyD.) told me that dreams are theme-based...
with the dreamer choosing the dream's theme: And it's about the dreamer---a message.

So...With that in mind:
You, OP, should be able to place it into some aspect or condition that's presently ongoing in your life.

Remember the saying: "I think I'll sleep on it"?
Sometimes the sleeping mind can arrive at conclusions far better then our normal thinking processes.

Nowadays...I look around and see so many whose lives are often so complicated...
that many have so many things going on that could fit a particular dream-theme...
that our emotions are probably the best clues to pin point the exact application.
IMO: The transition from "dream-theming" to "real-life-theming" is best done through emotion.

I'm deeply concerned/worried about the interpretation of the:
Now-that-I'm-conscious-I-can't-remember-Mike Phillip's-PTG-answer, though.

Your: 'Fruition Through Clinicians' friend,

S. "Bob" Freud

12-31-2013, 10:01 AM
Now THAT'S a good dream!

12-31-2013, 10:22 AM
REM sleep is said to be good for the body.
REM dreaming? In this case: I believe you'll be alright!!

Once, (or more?) a long time ago:
Someone of a degreed-nature (PsyD.) told me that dreams are theme-based...
with the dreamer choosing the dream's theme: And it's about the dreamer---a message.

So...With that in mind:
You, OP, should be able to place it into some aspect or condition that's presently ongoing in your life.

Remember the saying: "I think I'll sleep on it"?
Sometimes the sleeping mind can arrive at conclusions far better then our normal thinking processes.

Nowadays...I look around and see so many whose lives are often so complicated...
that many have so many things going on that could fit a particular dream-theme...
that our emotions are probably the best clues to pin point the exact application.
IMO: The transition from "dream-theming" to "real-life-theming" is best done through emotion.

I'm deeply concerned/worried about the interpretation of the:
Now-that-I'm-conscious-I-can't-remember-Mike Phillip's-PTG-answer, though.

Your: 'Fruition Through Clinicians' friend,

S. "Bob" Freud

I'm deeply concerned about the interpretation as well on the account of me not knowing how to work my new toy. It would have been nice for Dream Mike to clear that up for me lol!

It was right as I was waking up and last thing I remembered was thinking, shoot what did he say about using my PTG... And off he drove in the red truck.

It was awful nice of dream Mike traveling all the way to Cincinnati to help me out lol!

Thanks, Bob, for the insightful response

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12-31-2013, 11:12 AM
I never get rem sleep :(