View Full Version : Where to practice correction techniques/newb info

12-27-2013, 08:25 PM
I will like to share an idea for the ones out there that need to practice correction techniques, scratch removal, swirl marks, etc
Best way to do it without risking anyone's car is as follow:

1. Visit you closest Body shop, ask for a hood, a trunk, door or a fender that has been replace from a crash car.

2. Take it home and start working out your techniques.

3. you can even do some scratches, or swirl marks your self to practice.

This is a good way to try different combos or products with pads. I hope someone can benefit from this.

Below are some picture of me working on scratch removal involving wet-sanding.

tuscarora dave
12-27-2013, 08:56 PM
When I used to go to Poorboy's World for their "Detailing Weekend" they had a body shop neighbor right next door who would donate hoods for his events. There were lots of guys practicing with sanding and rotary techniques on those hoods.

Thanks for the suggestion. That is definitely the safest route for learning.