View Full Version : worked on a car by hand today, painful!

06-29-2007, 07:44 PM
i can't afford one of those great pc 7424's right now so i decided to try and do a car today by hand. not just any car, but a dark greeen 95 ford taurus station wagon, with medium to severe swirl marks. i thought i would give megs a call for a product recommendation because i know that they have a few products that you can use by hand. their rep recommended their scratch x of all things. so i went to the store and bought it. well i have put 2 layers on the hood so far and to be honest i am a little suprized because it worked better than i thought it would, of course its not anything close to what a 7424 can do but it still has gotten rid of a fair amount of the swirl marks. i am going to try 1 or 2 more passes on the hood and see what i difference it makes.

until i can get a pc 7424 do any of you have any suggestions for a good swirl remover (polish) that would do a good job by hand?

also this wagon has a roof rack that is so bad its actually gray colored now, any suggestions about what i can use to clean it up and protect it?



06-29-2007, 07:55 PM
Hand can't beat a PC, but it is surprising the results you can get by hand. You might want to give the Polishing Pal (http://www.autogeek.net/polishing-pal.html) a try. It makes the application by hand much much easier.


06-30-2007, 12:06 AM
If the roof rack is black plastic or supposed to be,try some clearkote vanilla moose handglaze.I did door pillars with it and they came out nice and black again:D maybe try topping that with some black again.See sparkies write up on plastic and vinyl products.Hope this helps;)

06-30-2007, 03:35 AM
remove it and buy new one....or sand it and hit it with some rustoleum, off the car of course

06-30-2007, 04:06 AM
That ScratchX aint that bad, just dont use to much product and yes that polishig pal is a great tool when working by hand.

As far as i know the XMT360 can be used by hand, but ive never tryed it.

If your roof rack is painted metal, you can also use the ScratchX on that one, if its plastic, some trimrestorer could help, depending on the state its in