View Full Version : Favorite Holiday Traditions Giveaway

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12-16-2013, 07:38 PM
Everyone has a tradition or something they need to do to get into the holiday spirit, so
share with us and you will be entered in to win the four holiday waxes!


I will make sure they get special autographs, this way you will have one of a kind versions!!

To enter just post a little something you like to do at the holidays...

My favorite Christmas activity is to go with the family to see the Osborne Family Spectacle of
Dancing Lights at Hollywood Studios!


Winners will be announced this Friday! December 20th!

12-16-2013, 07:45 PM
The wife and I go to A Christmas Gift and Craft show in Harrisburg, PA. It has unique items for sale and really gets the Christmas Season underway. It takes about 4 hours to see it all.
Then we head over to Hershey and enjoy the sights and sounds of Christmas.
We always try and bring family and or friends with us. Hershey Park and Chocolate World are pretty festive this time of year.
Finally finishing up with dinner at Cracker Barrel.

12-16-2013, 07:46 PM
Having the family over the day after thanks giving putting up the tree and talking about all the past Christmas and enjoying the ornaments and decorations the kids made for us over the years.Missing the family and friends that past away over the last year. Holidays are great for the family to get together and share the memory's.

12-16-2013, 07:47 PM
I actually enjoy Christmas shopping with the family.

12-16-2013, 07:50 PM
My favorite tradition comes from my Mom's side of the family.

Every year, she makes these horrendous cookies, called "sand tarts", which is an appropriate description, because they do taste like something akin to actual sand.

That being said, it's a great tradition because it brings the family together and there are great memories shared - just bring lots of milk. :dblthumb2:

12-16-2013, 07:52 PM
Wassail Fest & Seeing the Lighting in the Center of town here in New Braunfels.
Seeing Family & Friends & catching up on the last year, doing good & giving when at all possible,
sharing love & the Christmas Joy :)

12-16-2013, 07:59 PM
Having my aunt and grandmothers over for Christmas Eve. Always a fun time with the family. Then waking up on Christmas Day to open gifts with my brother and sister, still kids at heart (Although at 22 probably most would say I am still a kid lol). Then putting those new gifts to use for a couple hours before heading up to my aunts house for dinner and more gifts of course. Just nice to have those two days of the year to be the same every year since I was little, something to look forward to.

Coopers ST
12-16-2013, 08:16 PM
Going out black Friday shopping. We know we can do it online much easier, but hey its a tradition. Normally we come home get a hour or two of sleep then back out to the 'guys' places like Home Depot and Sears. I then stop and get donuts and Coffee so the family can eat while I play with my new toys.

12-16-2013, 08:39 PM
I have a Christmas carousel that plays several Christmas songs. It is always special to get it out when we are putting the tree up. I have had it since I was ten years old. It always drove my family crazy. I got married in 2007 so now I drive my wife crazy with it, although my two year old daughter loves it. Every year I get it out while everyone is hoping it will not work. I plug it in, it starts playing music. I smile, and everyone else sighs.:xyxthumbs:

12-16-2013, 08:39 PM
My favorite holiday tradition has to be Christmas day dinner. After playing with all my new toys, a nice meal with the family is always in order! That and I live in Pasadena so I go to the Rose Bowl every year to watch the Bowl game!

12-16-2013, 08:41 PM
Theres a place a few miles away thats called "lights in the parkway". Its a nice place to drive thru and then see santa at the end.

12-16-2013, 08:46 PM
My wife and I exchange our credit cards, then promptly hide them from one another until January 1st.

12-16-2013, 08:49 PM
We sponsor a needing family!

The Guz
12-16-2013, 08:50 PM
My mom comes from a large family. We all get together at my grandparents on christmas eve. As part of the hispanic tradition, my aunts get together and make homemade tamales. As the saying goes in the family, that is the only gift one gets to open. On christmas day we all get together again and open gifts in front of everyone.

With my immediate family my dad gets us together on christmas day (mom, dad, brother and me) to take the traditional photo in front of the christmas tree. It's pretty cool seeing us as kids and now young adults.

My mom also has a tradition to watch her animated movies Rudolf, Frosty, Frosty Returns and Charlie Brown christmas. I sit with her every year and watch with her. This by far is the number one thing to get me into the christmas spirit.

So many traditions.

12-16-2013, 08:50 PM
We have a tradition of chilling at home with a few family members on Christmas Eve. We watch A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation. It's great when we can do it with a nice fire lit in the fireplace but in Southern Louisiana Christmas could be 85 degrees with 100% humidity.