View Full Version : Winter Undercarriage protection

12-14-2013, 10:10 AM
I live in the North East and while I like the snow, I can't stand the salt, salt brine and sand that gets put down and the rust that inevitably consumes the underside of my vehicles. I am curious as to what others do in these "salt" areas to ward off the rust? I am currently trying Salt Away and rinse the undercarriage weekly with it.

12-14-2013, 11:04 AM
Fluid film works wonders ...

12-14-2013, 11:04 AM
I really feel for you people that do not want a rust bucket. I would suggest looking at Eastwoods site for rust treatment/prevention material. It is not just the undercarriage getting beat up as it is inside the frame, pretty much any spot weld (bottoms of doors, rocker panels, wheel wells etc.). The in frame coating they have is excellent for those areas.
Eastwood - Auto Body Repair Tools | MIG Welder | TIG Welder | Plasma Cutter | Auto Body Supplies & Accessories (http://www.eastwood.com/)


12-14-2013, 11:11 AM
Honestly, I don't trust any miracle product for the undercarriage. I prefer to pull my car into a local coin op, spend $2 and get underneath with a good spray of soap, rinse, and wax. A coating will not remove the salt from the nooks and crannies and any salt will eventually eat through whatever you use. I use the local coin op because I can leave the mess behind. In the spring, I'll put it up on a lift and hit it good with a steam cleaner/pressure washer. Is this the easiest method? No, but it has always worked for me. I have used this method for over 20 years and have never had a vehicle rust.