View Full Version : Why are the cars we drive so un-efficient?

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06-27-2007, 10:54 PM
It's kind of amazed me that no one ever hears about this stuff, so I'd like to share it.

First off, there have been all kind of more efficient ways to power an engine over the last 20+ years.. They are of course all shot down by the oil and gas industry and their thugs, in fact most of the people who make these discoveries end up dead and nothing more ever happens of their discovery, either because they kept it to themselves or the people whom they did share it with are scared they will wind up dead if they try to release it to the public.

Water car inventor murdered:
Water Car Inventor Murdered (http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-3333992194168790800&q=water+power+car&total=254&start=0&num=100&so=0&type=search&plindex=2)

Fox news report on another guy who creates water power engine - vehicle travels 100 miles on 4oz of H20:
Water Power (http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=21263257876217844&q=water+power+car&total=254&start=0&num=100&so=0&type=search&plindex=0)

Who killed the electric car?
EV-1 : Who Killed The Electric Car ? OPEC ? US Govt ? (http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-8037737380004144726&q=who+killed+the+electric+car&total=205&start=0&num=100&so=0&type=search&plindex=0)

Water powered engine from Australia:
Free Water Car Energy World Wide From Australia! (http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=2413026680736452098&q=australia+water+car&total=42&start=0&num=100&so=0&type=search&plindex=0)

Thats just a few, you can find more stories all over the internet.

But why do they never gain any momentum, I'm guessing that out of all these inventions, not one of them has ever been known to more than 2% of the public, if even that!!

The rest of this post has been deleted, for the following reason:

Human beings on Earth like to blow off the truth by claiming that it is simply nonsense, calling it, for example, "funny," "hilarious," or "entertaining." In addition, they automatically disregard the truth messenger as being a "standard-issue schizophrenic who is obviously out of touch with reality." People desperately try to paint the truth messenger as being non-lucid, mentally unstable, illogical, and so self-absorbed that they can't see things for what they really are. This is a very convenient way to quickly discard the truth and go on with one's life.

And, when people come upon new information such as this, they erroneously assume that they have some sort of intellectual high ground over it. They start with the assumption that their belief system is correct, and, for whatever reason, vehemently refuse to acknowledge the possibility that they may have actually been deceived all along by their belief system. And thus, when confronted with counter-evidence, they automatically reject it.

As a matter of fact, human beings are actually pompous enough to think that their status quo worldview is more rational than the truth. They neglect to factor in the concept of intentional deception into their logical thought process, and thus fail to realize that the only reason why their worldview seems "rational" is because it is actually composed of a plethora of lies and distortions. So, in one of the greatest ironies ever, human beings think the lies that they are fed is reality, and that the truth, on the other hand, is crazy, unrealistic, and bizarre.

It is truly amazing how people are able to adopt one of Earth's belief systems (whether it be a specific religion or atheism), walk through the proverbial door of enlightenment (or so they think), shut the door behind them, and then never look back. Worse yet, they are actually proud not to look back--proud of their own stubbornness.

Once human beings are exposed to the truth, their decision to ridicule it manifests so quickly, one could mistakenly think that human beings are actually robots that were programmed to do so. Thus, if people really want to point the finger at someone who does not engage in serious critical thinking, they should go to the nearest mirror and point at themselves (rather than trying to point the finger at the truth messenger).


I will not be replying to this thread anymore, I learned what I wanted to about the attitude of the people around here, I actually happened to be expecting different from this forum, no problem.


06-27-2007, 11:00 PM
I'm going to drive the long way to work and leave it in 1st gear the whole way, just for this post:D

06-27-2007, 11:10 PM
I'm going to drive the long way to work and leave it in 1st gear the whole way, just for this post:D

I was like huh? But then got it the second time Lol. Yeah we need a popcorn smiley :D.

06-27-2007, 11:36 PM
I'm going to drive the long way to work and leave it in 1st gear the whole way, just for this post:D

yes thats 12 liters... tree huggers be afraid!!!:righton:

06-27-2007, 11:44 PM
yes thats 12 liters... tree huggers be afraid!!!:righton:
Haha, its not so much as tree hugging from my view. That is more like trying to save the environment, which is not the main thing to consider here, if the true reason for the toxic nature of our reality goes unnoticed, well it does not matter what kind of #### you burn in your engine or how much fuel you waste, couldn't bother me.

What really matter's, is that more people learn about these unjust acts that are occuring. And what I'm trying to point towards here, is what is the true cause of our backwards world we live in, like why all of these discoveries/inventions go unnoticed, as well as such political things as the North American Union which are going to have such a huge impact on everyone within a few years, and yet no one even knows whats coming.

Actually my whole reason for this post was for feedback on the PICC Video (http://www.preignitioncc.com/default/flashPiccHi.htm) the rest is just extra..

06-28-2007, 01:12 AM
When they come out with a hydrogen powered sports car, i am getting one.

06-28-2007, 07:44 AM
It's all about money and greed. Until people get over that (they never will, it is human nature), we will not see a decrease in fuel consumption or oil realiant technology. No company raking in billions in profit a year wants to see a competitor come to the field or take the risk of investing money in a new technology that may flop.

Not only that, but there is not a infistructure setup to support this new technology. There is a hand full of hydrogen pumps in California that can support the new fuel cell Civic. I can go down to my Chevy Dealership and buy a FlexFuel car, but I would have to move to the midwest to even get E-85 commonly.

Until the bigger oil companies have some incentive to actually invest money in those technologys, and set up a way to use them (or our wonderful government enacts legislation for them), we are going to continue to burn oil like it's going out of style, no matter what the figure heads say on the nightly news.

06-28-2007, 07:59 AM
Oh, and for the rest of some of the comments and links, everyone get your tin foil hats out.....

06-28-2007, 09:58 AM
I like when I floor my truck and pass an Prius or Civic lol, get a shot of the ripping exhaust note, must be like "### he just wasted 40 gallons of gas" lol.

At least diesels are becomming more popular, great mileage, and easy to mod power. That new turbo diesel Jetta is supposed to get about 60 mpg on the highway, I'll take that over any Civic or Prius....if I had to drive a small car :D

06-28-2007, 10:38 AM
I like when I floor my truck and pass an Prius or Civic lol, get a shot of the ripping exhaust note, must be like "### he just wasted 40 gallons of gas" lol.

At least diesels are becomming more popular, great mileage, and easy to mod power. That new turbo diesel Jetta is supposed to get about 60 mpg on the highway, I'll take that over any Civic or Prius....if I had to drive a small car :D
Me too, I hate all those Echos, Prius, and Yaris. All they do is make traffic on a freeway. And our governor let them drive solo in carpool lane.

Back to the topic, it's all about money, politics, and economics.

06-28-2007, 10:46 AM
Me too, I hate all those Echos, Prius, and Yaris. All they do is make traffic on a freeway. And our governor let them drive solo in carpool lane.

Hahaha, they can't even get out of their own way.

Back to the topic, it's all about money, politics, and economics.

That's the truth in all of it. The payouts and kickbacks are too good to worry about anything new.

06-28-2007, 10:49 AM
My neighbor has a Civic that you likely can't catch.:)

06-28-2007, 11:01 AM
You can polish a turd....:D

Anything can be made fast, just depends how much you want to sink into it.

06-28-2007, 11:05 AM
He does all the work himself and just might have $6000 in it. It's a kitten driven nice and a wild boar when he gets on it. Goes straight, turns corners and stops along with some pretty good gas mileage.

06-28-2007, 11:20 AM
Sounds like my car, to a T. But $6,000 in a Civic might make it fast, but there are limits to what that can do, and I am familier with Civics, I help my buddy work on his Si a lot.

Oh, sorry about the hijack.