View Full Version : Mk6 GTi Detailed by Etienne

12-05-2013, 03:27 AM
Copied from our Local VW Forum

Lastweek Zydo6 sent me a PM to ask about detailing his Mk6 GTi for him. I had a spot open for the very next day and he agreed to take the spot. He came to drop the car off at around 9am and I started working right away. The car was extremely dirty due to all the rain we are having atm so I decided to give the interior a quick clean to compliment my work on the exterior. After the interior was finished I washed the car to see the true condition of the paint. The car looked dirty even after a wash. There were small spots all over the car, in the most hard to reach places too :cry: I clayed the car and got out my polisher and some Menz products to tackle the paint. After 2 passes I finished the paintwork off with my Menz PL to give the car the ultimate shine it needed. Lightning was very poor since it had been cloudy the whole day. Pity I couldn't get the car into the sun to show how awesome the paint now looks.

Condition the car arrived in
http://i.imgur.com/8pf5eHi.jpg (http://imgur.com/8pf5eHi)

http://i.imgur.com/tQ93tVd.jpg (http://imgur.com/tQ93tVd)

http://i.imgur.com/ypXncDD.jpg (http://imgur.com/ypXncDD)

http://i.imgur.com/0bss1XO.jpg (http://imgur.com/0bss1XO)

http://i.imgur.com/9p8m4sN.jpg (http://imgur.com/9p8m4sN)

After Interior clean
http://i.imgur.com/S4DueHl.jpg (http://imgur.com/S4DueHl)

http://i.imgur.com/ESDBw00.jpg (http://imgur.com/ESDBw00)

Shots after the detail






My Favorite reflection shot :drool: :cool:

I had a blast working on this car. Every minute spent on this car was worth it, justified by 1 smile, 1 facial expression to show me how much the owner appreciated the work being carried out on his car when he walked up and felt the paint surface.

12-05-2013, 08:51 AM
Looks good!

How much correction did you have to do to the paint? Which Menz products did you use?

I own a black Mk6 that will need some correction once Spring returns to our hemisphere and I'm trying to get a feel for what people like to use on VW paint.

12-06-2013, 12:30 AM
Thanx bud. I used FG400 and SF4000 and then finished with PowerLock.