View Full Version : EX-P...again

06-04-2006, 11:19 AM
I rememebr reading on here and cannot find the thread anywhere...That you can do a efw coats of EXP right away, even when the consensus says wait 24 hrs before secodn coat. Getting ready to do a silver van, thinking I might try doing a second coat of EX-P immediately after taking off the other to make sure it got good coverage, as this will be the LSP on the vehicle.
One coat and be done or go for two?

06-04-2006, 11:28 AM
you can do two as wanted, but sealants (even EXP) like to cure properly. 4-24 hours as possible.

06-04-2006, 11:52 AM
I got better results with ex-p letting around a day to cure before adding the next coat. Put it on lightly to the point where you can barely see it, on my white suv I found spots days later that I had missed or be sure to go back over and check;)