View Full Version : What are you thankful for today ?

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11-28-2013, 09:53 AM
I'm thankful for my kids and my grand kids.
Love them:)

Below is a video of me training my little grandson on how to remove wax.
He'll learn:dblthumb2:


11-28-2013, 09:59 AM
The current good health of myself and my family.

tuscarora dave
11-28-2013, 10:08 AM
I'm thankful that my Father's recent amputation (trans-metatarsal) is healing instead of getting worse.

I'm thankful that I have another day, let alone another year of sober living and can help others who wish to do so too.

I'm thankful that in the past 2 days I've had the pleasure of spending quality time with 2 life long friends who I normally don't get to see.

I'm thankful that I'm about to pick up the phone and call some family members for Thanksgiving, I'm thankful that I have them in my life.

I'm thankful that my younger brother will be visiting from out of state in a few days.

That's just a few things....I'd say the most important ones that come to mind.

EdIT... I'm thankful for this forum in which no matter how burned out with detailing my duties at the shop force me to be, I'm still drawn to every day!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

11-28-2013, 10:23 AM
I'm also thankful that my back surgery went well, to a point I can detail again but more important play some ball with my grand kids.

Thankful for my wife who is the best, she took care of me before and after surgery and not once complained about it.

Thankful for my dream job, I finally became the Chief Engineer after trying for about five years.

Thankful that people are beginning to trust me to correct the paint on their cars, some expensive.

And thankful I found this site , I've learned so much and made some friends in the process.

11-28-2013, 10:24 AM
Be very proud of yourself man for continuing to be sober.
That made my day reading that:dblthumb2:

I'm thankful that my Father's recent amputation (trans-metatarsal) is healing instead of getting worse.

I'm thankful that I have another day, let alone another year of sober living and can help others who wish to do so too.

I'm thankful that in the past 2 days I've had the pleasure of spending quality time with 2 life long friends who I normally don't get to see.

I'm thankful that I'm about to pick up the phone and call some family members for Thanksgiving, I'm thankful that I have them in my life.

I'm thankful that my younger brother will be visiting from out of state in a few days.

That's just a few things....I'd say the most important ones that come to mind.

EdIT... I'm thankful for this forum in which no matter how burned out with detailing my duties at the shop force me to be, I'm still drawn to every day!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

11-28-2013, 10:36 AM
Dave, Congratulations on staying sober and helping others to do the same. We are proud of you! :xyxthumbs:

11-28-2013, 10:44 AM
I'm thankful that my eyes opened this morning. I'm thankful for my 3 kids & my first grandchild. I'm thankful that I found this site where there is an abundance of knowledge to help me learn the art of detailing. I'm thankful I have the money to spend at AG.net.

Sent from my SM-N900P using AG Online

11-28-2013, 10:44 AM
1. to be working. money is always tight, but glad to be employed.

2. at 50, my health. overall its good. being treated for hypertension. but its under control. never had a broken bone or operation yet.

11-28-2013, 10:49 AM
Dear HateSwirls & Friends

Great thread!

I'm thankful for these forums, the general well-being of my family, especially my five-year-old son, Max.

11-28-2013, 10:58 AM
Thankful for my lord and savior, and family and friends:) have a great day everyone:)

11-28-2013, 11:08 AM
Thankful for the priceless relationships with friends and family, my health, and freedom! But for the grace of God there go I...

11-28-2013, 11:39 AM
Today I'm thankful for:

Life...Life itself is a gift.
Love...My life is filled with love: Heaven on earth!
Faith...I believe in my knowing that there is a higher power.
Sharing...My life's experiences, shared with others, creates some of the best feelings I ever have.
Laughter...It's healthy, and healing.
Friendship...Here, there, and everywhere.
Trust...Hard for me to do. But it's a must have: to be at peace within and with others.
Peace; Tranquility; Serenity...Begets:
Health...Still vertical! :)

I celebrate these reasons of thankfulness:
365 (+) days each and every year.


11-28-2013, 11:46 AM
God, family and country.
Although the USA has problems it still is the greatest country on the face of the earth. Thank you to our Armed Forces.
" She's a grand old flag she's a high flyin flag, ..."

11-28-2013, 12:18 PM
Dave keep up the good work on staying sober bro I'm proud of you :). If you ever need anything please give me a call.
Thankful for my family :)
Thankful for being healthy.
Thankful for being an American and being free.
Thankful for all the good friends I have found from this forum and detailing.

11-28-2013, 12:30 PM
+1 on being thankful 365 days