View Full Version : At what point is a car cover harmful?

06-03-2006, 06:35 PM
This is a serious question that I deal with weekly...so I am turning to ya'll for an answer.

My Firehawk is garaged every day of it's life. Granted there is still dust and particles that get on the paint inside the garage. But I digress....

Here's my question: Do you do more harm than good by putting a car cover on without properly detailing first?

It would seem to me that if you have your car uncovered at work like I do....and dust builds up onto your car, then it would do more harm than good putting on the car cover when you get home UNLESS YOU DETAIL IT BEFORE PUTTING THE COVER BACK ON. And when I say detail, I don't mean C.C.D. (Cali Car Duster). I mean like Pinnacle mist and microfibers.

It just seems to me that in putting on and taking off the car cover the particles would cause scratches and swirls in the paint....am I just too anal about it?

See ya on the road,

06-03-2006, 07:29 PM
All I know is one of our neighbors had their cars/trucks outside but their SL55 had a cover over it. This was durring Wilma, Oak Tree fell and smashed the Benz, guessing the cover didn't help much:D

Whenever I think of covers I wonder what happens with a slight coating of dust/dirt rubbing with the cover? Plus I'm sure the paint would get seriously marred if cover is left on durring a Hurricane b/c of the wind like her Benz:D

06-03-2006, 07:55 PM
Well I know that a cover won't help against the elements like rain and can do serious damage with wind (wind battering the paint with a car cover)...but won't the cover do some damage with the dust and dirt between the cover and the paint.

See ya on the road,

06-03-2006, 08:20 PM
Well I know that a cover won't help against the elements like rain and can do serious damage with wind (wind battering the paint with a car cover)...but won't the cover do some damage with the dust and dirt between the cover and the paint.

See ya on the road,
MattThat's why I mentioned about the light dust/dirt layer. Even if you cleaned the car, what if something get's on it just as your covering (or something is in the cover itself), seems putting on/taking off a cover would lead to easy marring?

06-03-2006, 09:57 PM
I have the form fit cover for storage in the garage. Its like spandex for the car. I have never seen any damage and I only cover the car when clean and it will be sitting for a week or more. (last time used was Hurricane Wilma). I hate seeing a layer of dust on a clean car ....

06-04-2006, 09:42 AM
So it is probably doing more harm then good unless the car is clean...

Thanks for confirming my su####ions...

See ya on the road,