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Mike Phillips
11-21-2013, 08:07 AM
Another Photobucket Rant... (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-mike-phillips-your-detailing-questions/73346-another-photobucket-rant.html)

I'm not a fan at all about pictures hosted on sites like Photobucket because from what I've seen over the years on forums is over time they get deleted by the owner of the gallery and then the pictures go missing on the forum.

Whenever I'm reading someone's thread on this forum and it includes great photography work, I'll right click on the pictures to see where they are being hosted and sadly all too often they are hosted on Photobucket.

The problem with this is overtime, the person will delete old pictures in the Photobucket gallery and the really cool pictures they shared all over the Internet will simply disappear and in their place will be something that looks like this...


I just posted a new reply to this thread,

Photobucket and Missing Pictures (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/off-topic/23699-photobucket-missing-pictures.html)

And I noticed in post #8, a forum member's Photobucket picture in their Sig Line is now missing and in it's place is this...


Which makes my point in my thread about why not to use Photobucket to host your pictures when you get a free gallery here on AGO.

AGO members get a free gallery here and it doesn't take much self-educating to figure out how to use it and I have articles with screenshots that walk you through the process.

If you have a Pro Account on Photobucket and you pay for this forever than it's not an issue. I explain that in an article (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/off-topic/23699-photobucket-missing-pictures.html) in my article list.

It's always just a shame to see great pictures disappear over time...

I usually upload and insert hundreds of photos a week and I'm telling you it's not that hard to do.

It starts with resizing the HUMONGOUS picture (file size), your camera takes and resizing them down to about 800 pixels wide and this is important and something I do to every picture I upload. Just click on any of my pictures and the dialog box that pops up will show you the dimensions. The width is 800 pixels wide except for a few cases or on the bottom of the forum homepage where I limit them to 600 pixels wide.

I use this piece of software everytime...

How to resize your photos before uploading to a photo gallery (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tips-techniques-how-articles-interacting-discussion-forums/35250-how-resize-your-photos-before-uploading-photo-gallery.html) - Using Easy Thumbnails

Next you need to upload them to the gallery, that's so they have a "home" on the Internet.

How to upload a photo into your Autogeek Photo Gallery (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-do-different-types-things-ag-discussion-forum/21295-how-upload-photo-into-your-autogeek-photo-gallery.html)

Once they are uploaded you can then "insert" them instead of doing the lame "attach" option...

How to insert an image from your photo gallery into your message (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles-discussion-forums/21313-how-insert-image-your-photo-gallery-into-your-message.html)

You can also insert any pictures with an URL Address using tags...

How to use Image Tags to insert a photo (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tips-techniques-how-articles-interacting-discussion-forums/56732-how-use-image-tags-insert-photo.html)

There's more articles on working with pictures in my article list under the heading

Photography and Working with Pictures on the Internet

And my recommendation is, if you're in this for the long run... that is if you're going to be a regular and active member of this forum or any forum where you're posting pictures, then take the time to educate yourself on how to work with pictures.

It's really not that hard once you get the hang of it...

800 Pixels Wide - Photo hosted on AGO Gallery

:Picture: :xyxthumbs:

11-21-2013, 09:06 AM
Im on the same boat as you. I hate that it always takes me to the site

11-21-2013, 09:22 AM
I agree, I hate browsing through forums and seeing the dreaded Photobucket image deleted icon.

Mike Phillips
11-21-2013, 09:48 AM
I agree, I hate browsing through forums and seeing the dreaded Photobucket image deleted icon.

It ruins the thread, especially if the pictures were dramatic and demonstrated what a person can do with the right products and skills...

The old saying,

A pictures tells a thousands words...

Is very true, we all know this. So when the pictures go missing... thousands of words go missing, words that helped to tell the complete story.

I just posted this to try to help others. That's my normal practice, post info that helps people.

And what I always say is if you're in this for the long run, I know I am, then you're helping yourself to learn how to properly work with pictures on the Internet.

I'm self-taught and I use three pieces of software.

Easy Thumbnails (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tips-techniques-how-articles-interacting-discussion-forums/35250-how-resize-your-photos-before-uploading-photo-gallery.html) - Free download an my how-to article shows you how to set it up and use it.

Adobe PhotoShop Elements 2.0 - This was free, it came with my first Canon Rebel camera. I don't know how to use the "regular" PhotoShop. I find it very complicated. I pretty comfortable with Elements 2.0 but for the most part, all I use it for is to crop out the fluff and zero in on the focus of what the picture is about. and sometimes for adding text like this...

How to Machine Clean a Vinyl Tonneau Cover (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/68725-how-machine-clean-vinyl-tonneau-cover.html)


Lview Pro (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tips-techniques-how-articles-interacting-discussion-forums/26202-handiest-little-picture-viewer-tool-i-ve-been-using-years-now.html)- Been using this since about 1994 and my article on it shows you where to get it for free and this is the very early version not the new complicated version. I use this to go through and look at a collection of pictures to pick out the ones I want to use with it's slideshow option. Most of you have something you already like for doing this.

800 Pixels Wide uploaded to the AG Gallery and "inserted"


11-21-2013, 09:54 AM
I agree mike! It definitely ruins the thread. Especially when you want to go back and search for something in an old thread and pics are gone. Why is photobucket so popular?

What photobucket does, is if a picture is not accessed in X amount of time, or the account not accessed in X amount of time, the pics get deleted.

If you must use an external host, I've been using imageshack.us for years. I happened to stumble upon an old thread that I wrote in 2005! on another forum (of course) and my imageshack hosted pictures are still there. They must be intentionally deleted by the uploader, Imageshack doesn't delete them. They also have shell extensions that allow you to upload a picture just by right clicking it and clicking 'upload to imageshack'. I see no reason to use any other host!

11-21-2013, 10:25 AM
Another Photobucket Rant...

I'm not a fan at all about pictures hosted on sites like Photobucket because from what I've seen over the years on forums is over time they get deleted by the owner of the gallery and then the pictures go missing on the forum.

Whenever I'm reading someone's thread on this forum and it includes great photography work, I'll right click on the pictures to see where they are being hosted and sadly all too often they are hosted on Photobucket.

The problem with this is overtime, the person will delete old pictures in the Photobucket gallery and the really cool pictures they shared all over the Internet will simply disappear and in their place will be something that looks like this...


11-21-2013, 11:17 AM
I've been trying to use the AGO app picture function. Only problem is they sometimes come out weird from my phone...

Other than that I find it really convenient to use.


Here is a hood I had scuff to get painted.





^ car I had to to drive :D



^ all these cars are going to get repaired, repainted, then will have to get sanded and buffed then detailed and finally delivered :xyxthumbs:



^ I've actually been wondering how this is going to be worked on.





^ If I'm not at school when this car is going to have to get buffed. I will be using my Rupes for the final finish.

I uploaded all the pictures using the AGO app btw.

11-21-2013, 11:47 AM
I like PhotoBucket because I can post my pics on multiple forums easily. I just never delete my pictures. There is no reason to. 2GB is a lot of pics.

11-21-2013, 11:56 AM
I like PhotoBucket because I can post my pics on multiple forums easily. I just never delete my pictures. There is no reason to. 2GB is a lot of pics.

The point is, photobucket will delete them for you. If, for whatever reason, you don't login for a while or your picture (i.e., the thread it's posted to) doesn't get accessed for a while; boom, it's gone.

Try Imageshack.us if you don't want to use AutoGeeks gallery (even though it's insanely simple). They don't delete photos like photobucket does.

11-21-2013, 12:00 PM
Flickr offers a free 1Tb of storage...

While I understand the AGO image hosting is best for long term, it simply takes much more time to use and that is the main reason I have not integrated it as a part of my write ups. The write ups take a while to do in the first place, having to re-size all of them accordingly and then upload them one by one would be way more time than I could handle.

11-21-2013, 02:44 PM
Another Photobucket Rant...

I'm not a fan at all about pictures hosted on sites like Photobucket because from what I've seen over the years on forums is over time they get deleted by the owner of the gallery and then the pictures go missing on the forum.

Whenever I'm reading someone's thread on this forum and it includes great photography work, I'll right click on the pictures to see where they are being hosted and sadly all too often they are hosted on Photobucket.

The problem with this is overtime, the person will delete old pictures in the Photobucket gallery and the really cool pictures they shared all over the Internet will simply disappear and in their place will be something that looks like this...


I just posted a new reply to this thread,

Photobucket and Missing Pictures (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/off-topic/23699-photobucket-missing-pictures.html)

And I noticed in post #8, a forum member's Photobucket picture in their Sig Line is now missing and in it's place is this...


Which makes my point in my thread about why not to use Photobucket to host your pictures when you get a free gallery here on AGO.

AGO members get a free gallery here and it doesn't take much self-educating to figure out how to use it and I have articles with screenshots that walk you through the process.

If you have a Pro Account on Photobucket and you pay for this forever than it's not an issue. I explain that in an article (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/off-topic/23699-photobucket-missing-pictures.html) in my article list.

It's always just a shame to see great pictures disappear over time...

I usually upload and insert hundreds of photos a week and I'm telling you it's not that hard to do.

It starts with resizing the HUMONGOUS picture (file size), your camera takes and resizing them down to about 800 pixels wide and this is important and something I do to every picture I upload. Just click on any of my pictures and the dialog box that pops up will show you the dimensions. The width is 800 pixels wide except for a few cases or on the bottom of the forum homepage where I limit them to 600 pixels wide.

I use this piece of software everytime...

How to resize your photos before uploading to a photo gallery (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tips-techniques-how-articles-interacting-discussion-forums/35250-how-resize-your-photos-before-uploading-photo-gallery.html) - Using Easy Thumbnails

Next you need to upload them to the gallery, that's so they have a "home" on the Internet.

How to upload a photo into your Autogeek Photo Gallery (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-do-different-types-things-ag-discussion-forum/21295-how-upload-photo-into-your-autogeek-photo-gallery.html)

Once they are uploaded you can then "insert" them instead of doing the lame "attach" option...

How to insert an image from your photo gallery into your message (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles-discussion-forums/21313-how-insert-image-your-photo-gallery-into-your-message.html)

You can also insert any pictures with an URL Address using tags...

How to use Image Tags to insert a photo (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tips-techniques-how-articles-interacting-discussion-forums/56732-how-use-image-tags-insert-photo.html)

There's more articles on working with pictures in my article list under the heading

Photography and Working with Pictures on the Internet

And my recommendation is, if you're in this for the long run... that is if you're going to be a regular and active member of this forum or any forum where you're posting pictures, then take the time to educate yourself on how to work with pictures.

It's really not that hard once you get the hang of it...

800 Pixels Wide - Photo hosted on AGO Gallery

:Picture: :xyxthumbs:

That's why I don't upload pics xDD Haha just kidding...I've actually been feeling really guilty about this lately though, considering how much time and effort you and others put into reviews and posts...I have had pictures of some jobs I've done for almost 2 years that I haven't posted because it takes so much time to upload the right way D: (so props to you Mike for always taking the time :props:) College work takes up too much time lol...In any case, do you (or anyone else for that matter) know of any comparable sites to easy thumbnails? I have a mac and it won't let me download it :/

11-21-2013, 03:26 PM
Flickr offers a free 1Tb of storage...

While I understand the AGO image hosting is best for long term, it simply takes much more time to use and that is the main reason I have not integrated it as a part of my write ups. The write ups take a while to do in the first place, having to re-size all of them accordingly and then upload them one by one would be way more time than I could handle.

Another reason I use Flikr/Imageshack. They will resize for you, in batches as well.

11-21-2013, 04:13 PM
Testing the AG upload.....



11-21-2013, 08:45 PM
The only problem if you don't have a pro version from Photobucket like Mike said, is that not only you get 2gbs but data usage as well, or whatever comes first. You you rrach the date capacity, how many times the pictures gets viewed, it will take one month for them to comeback and that happened to me. A little too late. Flickr is good but for some reason I don't like how the pictures gets compressed. I am going to try AGs app. Mike showed me one time and it was so simple and fast.

12-04-2013, 09:29 PM
You guys think it's bad here? I spend a lot of time on a dedicated photography forum and it's just as bad there - where the purpose is to share pictures!

Having said that, I do prefer off-site hosting because I generally share the pictures with various people and across various forums. It's a lot easier for me to be able to access all of my images from a single location.