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Mike Phillips
11-19-2013, 11:04 AM
Car Wax Has Changed - New Black Label TV Commercial (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/73254-car-wax-has-changed-new-black-label-tv-commercial.html)

Over the weekend I detailed my friend Jim's 2012 Mercedes-Benz E350 and as I detailed his car after discussing the options of how to seal and protect the Ceramiclear paint on his Mercedes-Benz, instead of applying a traditional car wax or synthetic paint sealant, we decided to go with Pinnacle Black Label Diamond Paint Coating.

Behind the scenes, Max and Yancy were working on a new TV commercial that will start airing on the Velocity TV Channel.

On Monday, Max asked me to come down to Yancy's office to watch the new TV commercial for Black Label Diamond Paint Coating and as I watched the incredibly well done video, (pretty cool Yancy), one of the catch-phrases that struck out at me was when the below words flashed onto the screen,

Car Wax Has Changed

I thought this was interesting because Max came up with the idea for this commercial including all the copy and while I was buffing and waxing the Mercedes-Benz over the weekend I was saying the same thing as I talked to Jim about all the changes in the car wax industry.

Simply put, washing and waxing your car has dramatically changed since how we used to do it. Modern car waxes and I include synthetic paint sealants in this conversation are good. Very good.

It's just coatings are better in that they give most people more of what they like and want when it comes to the idea of what waxing your car traditionally means.

Most people want a wax that will last a long time. I think the most common question the average person will ask about any given car wax goes like this,

How long does it last?

Coatings, when properly applied last longer than car waxes.

Besides that most people want pretty much the same types of things, they want the paint to look good, that can mean different things to different people but here's list of what most people want after they apply and then wipe "something" off their car's paint...

Protection against the elements.
A high gloss appearance.
No swirls or hazy appearance.
A slick, smooth feel to the paint.
For metallic paint they want to see the metallic flake POP.
Easy to apply.
Easy to wipe off.
Last a long time.
Resists water spots.
Resists swirls and scratches.
Resists etching from a bird bomb.
Keeps paint from oxidizing.
Holds up against extreme high heat and summer sun.
Holds up against harsh chemicals used at automatic car washes.

Did I miss anything?

Traditional car waxes and synthetic paint sealants help with all of the above but paint coatings, from what I've seen, learned and experienced... help even more to attain these goals for a protective layer or coating for your car's paint.

Change is unavoidable, sometimes we like it and sometimes we don't, but I'd say coatings are a change for the better.


Mike Phillips
11-27-2013, 03:11 PM
Here's the new TV commercial...

Car Wax Has Changed

Video showing before and after

This is a very different style of commercial that Yancy call edgy? I kind of like it.

Keep this in mind, while all of us, that is "us" in the forum world more or less have a pretty good understanding about traditional car waxes, synthetic paint sealants and now paint coatings, most of the masses in the TV world don't.

This new commercial is going to introduce a lot of people to coatings. The future is interesting...

Any comments?


Mike Phillips
11-27-2013, 03:15 PM
Since this new commercial is about Black Label coatings... here are some recent projects that have either Black Label Diamond Paint coating applied to them or Black Label Surface Coating.

Black Label Diamond Paint Coating

Black Label Diamond Paint Coating on a 2012 Mercedes-Benz E350 (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/73256-black-label-diamond-paint-coating-2012-mercedes-benz-e350.html)





Black Label Diamond Surface Coating

2006 Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 Show Car Makeover Pictures (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-autogeek-s-car-week/72151-2006-mercedes-benz-slk-350-show-car-makeover-pictures.html)



Black Label Diamond Paint Coating

Pictures: 2013 Dodge Charger - Black Label Diamond Paint Coating- New Rupes Polishers - Pictures & Video (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-autogeek-s-car-week/73102-pictures-2013-dodge-charger-black-label-diamond-paint-coating-new-rupes-polishers-pictures-video.html)



Black Label Diamond Paint Coating

Note this car was coated with a beta version of Black Label Diamond Paint Coating before the formula was finalized for production and before it was public...

Lady in Red - 1986 Porsche - 4-Step Process (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/71247-lady-red-1986-porsche-4-step-process.html)



Black Label Diamond Paint Coating & Glass Coating & Wheel Coating

Ready for the Mud! (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/73409-ready-mud.html)




Sizzle Chest
11-27-2013, 03:18 PM
Yeah, I dig the new style. Modern and edgy. A good job.

11-27-2013, 03:25 PM
Very interesting... I think it will leave a lot of people wanting to know more, which is the point! To me, it reminds me a lot of those Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas commercials.

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas "Misfit Right In" 30-second TV Commercial - YouTube (http://youtu.be/LCeDi-d5CRg)

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas "The Wild Card" 30-second TV Commercial - YouTube (http://youtu.be/aWFNCjssejY)

Maybe this was subliminal inspiration? Regardless, I'm excited to see more.

11-27-2013, 03:30 PM
Mike, I was there and helped apply the Black Diamond coating to the vehicles you listed at the Thursday night make-overs except for the 2012 MB & the 1986 Porsche.

I also see it becoming very popular. It's easy to apply and provides longer protection than a wax or sealant.

11-27-2013, 03:39 PM
I used Black Label Paint Coating for the first time this past weekend on my sisters 09 chevy. It is a daily driver that is outside 24/7 in Tampa Fl. I was very, very impressed with with the end result. The look and feel is unreal. This is perfect for someone unable to maintain a car the way it should be. Needless to say my sister was also impressed and pleased.
This is a very good product!!!

11-27-2013, 08:50 PM
It will take a little while but eventually their will be two groups of people when it comes to paint coatings.
1. The first group of people are the ones that love to apply a coat of wax every two weeks or so. They love getting out there and spending that time with their car, for them it can be almost therapeutic and stress relieving. Normally this group is always tweaking something on there car, because for them this is there hobby.
2. The second group of people are the ones using coatings. I feel like this group wants that perfect finish for as long as possible and as little work as possible. They just want to set and forget it. For this group a car is just transportation or a status symbol but they still want it to look good.
I know this is a over simplification of things but I feel like I am not too far off.

11-27-2013, 08:52 PM
I have also had the pleasure of using the Black Label coatings first hand and they look amazing. I was also surprised at how easy it was to apply the coatings.

11-27-2013, 09:07 PM
I'm curious how this compares to Opti Coat 2.0...

11-27-2013, 09:46 PM
It will take a little while but eventually their will be two groups of people when it comes to paint coatings.
1. The first group of people are the ones that love to apply a coat of wax every two weeks or so. They love getting out there and spending that time with their car, for them it can be almost therapeutic and stress relieving. Normally this group is always tweaking something on there car, because for them this is there hobby.
2. The second group of people are the ones using coatings. I feel like this group wants that perfect finish for as long as possible and as little work as possible. They just want to set and forget it. For this group a car is just transportation or a status symbol but they still want it to look good.
I know this is a over simplification of things but I feel like I am not too far off.

I would spend all day out in the garage perfecting my daily drivers if I could. A perfectly enjoyable hobby is the endless pursuit of perfection on a daily driven automobile. While I enjoy the labor of maintaining a beautiful appearance on my vehicles I simply do not have the time to reapply a wax or sealant as often as I would prefer. This is why a coating makes sense for me. I get the looks I want and the ease of maintenance that my schedule allows. This, I believe, is why coatings are the future of car care.

11-27-2013, 10:54 PM
Your absolutely right. Coatings are the future of car care and for good reason.
Maybe down the line they will produce coating specific wax type products that will "boost" your coating for a couple of weeks.

11-27-2013, 11:16 PM
I tend to go through "spells" with messing with my car. I'll be all about it for a few weeks then neglect it for a while. When I'm into it I always feel a coating will be "no fun" since it last so long, but when I'm neglecting I can see where it would be beneficial.

With that being said, can wax and or sealants be applied over coatings for the times I'm "into it"? I ask because during these times I'm really wanting to go out into the garage and use up some product and the main reason I have stayed away from coatings is because I'm afraid it'll cut into the fun of detailing and trying new products if the coatings are a do it and your done type product.

11-28-2013, 12:31 AM
Car Wax Has Changed - New Black Label TV Commercial (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/73254-car-wax-has-changed-new-black-label-tv-commercial.html)

Over the weekend I detailed my friend Jim's 2012 Mercedes-Benz E350 and as I detailed his car after discussing the options of how to seal and protect the Ceramiclear paint on his Mercedes-Benz, instead of applying a traditional car wax or synthetic paint sealant, we decided to go with Pinnacle Black Label Diamond Paint Coating.

Behind the scenes, Max and Yancy were working on a new TV commercial that will start airing on the Velocity TV Channel.

On Monday, Max asked me to come down to Yancy's office to watch the new TV commercial for Black Label Diamond Paint Coating and as I watched the incredibly well done video, (pretty cool Yancy), one of the catch-phrases that struck out at me was when the below words flashed onto the screen,

Car Wax Has Changed

I thought this was interesting because Max came up with the idea for this commercial including all the copy and while I was buffing and waxing the Mercedes-Benz over the weekend I was saying the same thing as I talked to Jim about all the changes in the car wax industry.

Simply put, washing and waxing your car has dramatically changed since how we used to do it. Modern car waxes and I include synthetic paint sealants in this conversation are good. Very good.

It's just coatings are better in that they give most people more of what they like and want when it comes to the idea of what waxing your car traditionally means.

Most people want a wax that will last a long time. I think the most common question the average person will ask about any given car wax goes like this,

How long does it last?

Coatings, when properly applied last longer than car waxes.

Besides that most people want pretty much the same types of things, they want the paint to look good, that can mean different things to different people but here's list of what most people want after they apply and then wipe "something" off their car's paint...

Protection against the elements.
A high gloss appearance.
No swirls or hazy appearance.
A slick, smooth feel to the paint.
For metallic paint they want to see the metallic flake POP.
Easy to apply.
Easy to wipe off.
Last a long time.
Resists water spots.
Resists swirls and scratches.
Resists etching from a bird bomb.
Keeps paint from oxidizing.
Holds up against extreme high heat and summer sun.
Holds up against harsh chemicals used at automatic car washes.

Did I miss anything?

Traditional car waxes and synthetic paint sealants help with all of the above but paint coatings, from what I've seen, learned and experienced... help even more to attain these goals for a protective layer or coating for your car's paint.

Change is unavoidable, sometimes we like it and sometimes we don't, but I'd say coatings are a change for the better.

Very nice commercial! I'm ready to jump into the world of coatings...I'd really like the PBL elite kit but I don't know that I can justify the extra $100 or so I'd spend on that in comparison to opticoat, which seems tried and true already...from what I can tell, the PBL surface coating seems to give a more brilliant shine but are there any other reasons to go for PBL aside from it being the "new kid in town"? How about exo? Saw you use that on that gold-flecked mustang awhile back and that looked great too! hmm...decisions decisions...

11-28-2013, 02:31 AM
That's a really cool looking commercial! Great work on it there