View Full Version : Pinnacle Black Label Questions?

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Old Tiger
11-05-2013, 03:55 PM
Back when I drank, I never had questions about Black Label, although I preferred Makers Mark!

I have a few questions regarding Pinnacle Black Label
First it appears there are four variants. 1 best for paint, one for glass and one for rims. Then there is a multi-function that works well on all three surfaces. Before G|Techniq was outed for selling C1 Crystal Lacquer as its paint, trim and rim separate products, I had no problems with three products for three separate surfaces.

Nick or someone, please explain how these products are optimized for paint, glass and rims.
What special engineering is lost in the all surface version.
Which of the four would be best for trim. I assume you are working on a trim coating too, since that was mentioned in the DP Review.
Next the Cleansing Polish is stated to be the critical step. I understand this, but would DP Cleansing Polish do the same job?

I know this is a bad time to find time to answer posts (SEMA(. So TIA!

11-05-2013, 04:04 PM
These might help you:

Yes; consider Diamond Surface Coating an "all in one" type coating. It was formulated to bond to all surfaces while offering superb durability, gloss, slickness, and protection.

Diamond Surface Coating is safe on exterior plastic trim, but it's not a "trim restorer."

Using it on your vehicle's brand new trim will prevent fading and discoloration though. :dblthumb2:

Are the specific wheel and glass coatings better for their purpose than the all Surface Coating that can also be applied to glass and wheels?

It will darken the material, but it's not intended to be a restorer. It will prevent fading when regularly used on plastic/leather/vinyl that's in great shape.

Durability is comparable, however I would give a slight edge to Diamond Glass Coating versus Diamond Surface Coating when used on windshields. From my testing, Diamond Glass Coating causes water to roll off the surface at speeds as low as 20 mph, where that speed is about 30 mph for Diamond Surface Coating.

What is the difference between the "surface coating", the "paint coating" and the "paint sealant"?


Diamond Surface Coating can be used on paint, glass, and wheels. It was formulated for all surfaces.

Diamond Paint Coating was designed exclusively for use on painted surfaces.

Diamond Paint Sealant is a juiced-up synthetic sealant; it features a resin-base that enables it to create an extremely slick surface that lasts months, not weeks.

11-05-2013, 04:12 PM
Me too...sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for some beading and sheeting shots taken while the water is running out if the
Hose. :buffing: Im the MAN:Picture:

Old Tiger
11-05-2013, 04:13 PM
Thanks Evan! Great response!

11-05-2013, 04:31 PM
I will pass this post on to Nick, although I think you have all his responses. But give him some time I know he is working his butt off in the SEMA booth right now.

11-05-2013, 04:49 PM
I did not get whether the diamond paint coating has an edge over the diamond surface coating....

Also, I don't see where wheel coating is better than surface coating; however, I did see a difference on coating life in the store: surface coating on wheels-up to 2 years; wheel coating on wheels- up to 18 months....

enlighten please

11-05-2013, 05:01 PM
Hope these help guys:

I did not get whether the diamond paint coating has an edge over the diamond surface coating....

Also, I don't see where wheel coating is better than surface coating; however, I did see a difference on coating life in the store: surface coating on wheels-up to 2 years; wheel coating on wheels- up to 18 months....

enlighten please

Not to be snippy, but what's the difference functionally? Is the paint coating a superior coating when compared to the surface coating when both are applied to paint? Will the paint coating bead/sheet better? Does the paint coating last longer than the surface coating?

They're both going to perform equally well on paint. I've found the dedicated paint coating to produce tighter water beading; sheeting between the two is about the same.

Originally Posted by cardaddy
What about why we'd need three separate coatings, and how they differ from one another instead of just going to the all-in-one multi-surface coating? And how it compares to the others in both shine and durability? For that matter, maybe the all-in-one is more like the DP coating?????

Glass and paint are two very different surfaces, so each coating needs to be specially developed to offer the maximum protection ("bonding"). Wheels are exposed to much higher temperatures than glass or paint, so a wheel coating needs to have a greater tolerance to heat. With Diamond Surface Coating, we've managed to combine the best of all 3 surface-specific coatings into one product. It's called having your cake and eating it.

11-05-2013, 05:02 PM
plus....vinyl and leather sealant better than wolfgang trim sealant? ....or, i know this isn't apples to apples, but leather protection on black label trim sealant better on leather protection than chemical guys leather serum(12 months)?

11-05-2013, 05:38 PM
Yeah so many went out and bought into the whole new DP coating products thing...just to learn now about the this lineup. Now they have coatings already applied with lots of products left over....knowing full well SEMA was just around the corner with an explosion of better products. Coatings are not sealants or waxes that you can just change them like underwear. You're stuck at least a couple of years unless you totally abraded it all off.

Now watch Meg's jump in and blow everybody out of the water as they've been really silent. Snake in the grass perhaps?

Old Tiger
11-05-2013, 06:38 PM
I will pass this post on to Nick, although I think you have all his responses. But give him some time I know he is working his butt off in the SEMA booth :hungry:right now.
Thanks so much Meghan! Congrats on the Red Sox! You were the first person I thought of after their great series!

Old Tiger
11-05-2013, 06:48 PM
I will pass this post on to Nick, although I think you have all his responses. But give him some time I know he is working his butt off in the SEMA booth right now.
Thanks Dear Meghan! Congrats on the Sox World Seeries. You were the first person to come to mind!

11-05-2013, 07:32 PM
My 2 videos, I mean 2 cents

I have only used the Pinnacle Black Label Glass Coating and Wheel Coating so far
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gk82en0ENw]SON1C Synopsis 59 : Pinnacle Black Label - Diamond Glass Coating Tutorial & Review - YouTube[/video]
Glass Coating^
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrffjWqxQeE]SON1C Synopsis 60 : Pinnacle Black Label - Diamond Wheel Coating Review + Beading & Sheeting - YouTube[/video]
Wheel Coating^

In my experience with the products they were essentially the same in terms in application, very easy on, worked in easy, buff off was a breeze.

I'd give beading and sheeting to the Glass coating, however as a disclaimer the surface of glass is better suited for this and much smoother than my wheels thus promoting higher surface tension thus enhancing hydrophobic qualities

I will say the DP Paint coating was much easier to work with (application + buff off) as opposed to the DP Glass Coating, however the DP Glass Coating seems to be more hydrophobic

Regardless I would view the Black Label Coatings as an improvement over the DP Coatings (mainly based off of application/buff off as durability is yet to be determined)
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwX1Eupx8TU]Detailer's DP Paint Coating Beading and Review - YouTube[/video]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7QYhBI4PGs]Detailer's DP Paint Coating Sheeting and Review - YouTube[/video]

11-06-2013, 01:55 AM
Back when I drank, I never had questions about Black Label, although I preferred Makers Mark!

I have a few questions regarding Pinnacle Black Label
First it appears there are four variants. 1 best for paint, one for glass and one for rims. Then there is a multi-function that works well on all three surfaces. Before G|Techniq was outed for selling C1 Crystal Lacquer as its paint, trim and rim separate products, I had no problems with three products for three separate surfaces.

Nick or someone, please explain how these products are optimized for paint, glass and rims.
What special engineering is lost in the all surface version.
Which of the four would be best for trim. I assume you are working on a trim coating too, since that was mentioned in the DP Review.
Next the Cleansing Polish is stated to be the critical step. I understand this, but would DP Cleansing Polish do the same job?

I know this is a bad time to find time to answer posts (SEMA(. So TIA!

Jim, I've asked those questions as well. One of my statements was quoted in this thread, but not in context. And that's fine.

But you, me, and it sure looks like plenty of others want to know the *real* science behind these new "game changing" products. (I quoted 'game changing' because I've called them that myself. And have sold two jobs using it. AND.... to put my money where my mouth is my Elite kit will be here tomorrow. So yeah, I've believed (no reason not to) the hype so far.) That not withstanding, I've bought plenty of products not based on photos and tales of 'water sheeting', 'water beading', 'super shine' et al. but based on the real science behind what was going on in the process, how they got there, what was tried, what worked, what didn't, and moreover what makes THIS 'XYZ product' so special. Who knows, maybe Max tried 850 different combinations. Or spent $850,000 dollars developing it. Or got up at 8:50 one morning with an idea to bottle 4 coatings, in 1 bottle. Or was that 1 coating in 4 bottles. ;)

Three, no make that FOUR different coating products all under the same label is something pretty darned special. And like I said, I've already bought into it all. But if one will work, why do we even NEED the other three? (Is what I hear people asking, although I didn't purchase the 'all-in-one' version. Yet am wondering if that isn't EXACTLY what I should have done!):dunno: Surely there is statistical, empirical data that proves the worth of one versus the other, right? At least what makes it work at all. Why, what, when, where, and how I think the average AGO member not only would want to see, but can actually understand. Can't say that about many other forums out there I guarantee you that!

Hype: Oh but it's shiny, just wait!

Public: OK... well alrighty....
it must be everything...
and all things...
rolled into one thing. :rolleyes:

RedBull . . . . . . Gives you WINGS!
(Does that mean we can literally FLY?????) :dunno:

11-06-2013, 08:27 AM
I am new to AutoGeek forum & need help suggestions for buying products for my car ....I have a Mercedes Benz C200 Kompressor 2009 in TANZANITE BLUE color .
I was about to order Pinnacle products as mentioned below but after seeing the Pinnacle NEW arrival of Black Label I am confused & cant decided which is the best products
I was about to order .
1).Iron X Remover .
2).Pinnacle Body Work Shampoo.
3).Pinnacle Paint Work Cleansing Lotion .
4).Pinnacle Advance Swirl Remover.
5).Pinnacle Advance Finishing Polish.
6).Wolfgang High Gloss Paint Sealant.
7).Pinnacle Souveran Paste Wax.

But after seeing the Pinnacle NEW Arrival Black Label I would like to use them so I need suggestions that can I replace as below
1).Iron X Remover .

2).Pinnacle Body Work Shampoo replaced by Pinnacle Black Label Diamond Coating Shampoo.

3).Pinnacle Paint Work Cleansing Lotion replaced by Pinnacle Black Label Surface Cleansing Polish .

4).Pinnacle Advance Swirl Remover.

5).Pinnacle Advance Finishing Polish.

6).Wolfgang High Gloss Paint Sealant replaced by Pinnacle Black Label Diamond Paint Sealant .

7).Pinnacle Black Label Diamond Paint Coating

8).Pinnacle Souveran Paste Wax.

Please I need help ASAP as the VEGAS2013 20% offer is ending soon on 8th November.

Also I am buying FLEX XC3401 Polisher & Griots Garage 3 Inch Orbital Polisher .

Awaiting for the Suggestions .

11-06-2013, 11:40 AM
^^ if you're doing a coating you don't need a sealant and a paste wax. Also is this your first detail ever? If so start slow, learn some basics then move to coatings. You don't want to do a crap job then coat a crap job only to rep oldish.