View Full Version : Still skeptical about Opti-coat...please help straighten me out!

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11-02-2013, 11:10 AM
So, I was trying to find the "end-all" thread that would answer this question, but I came up empty, so help me out:

If you apply Opti-coat to a brand new car, does it really last for the lifetime of the car, and you will NEVER have to wax your car ever again? Does it really perform like that? If it's just like a second clearcoat on top of the original clear, wouldn't it fail at some point, just like if you took a brand new car and never waxed it, the clear would eventually fail on it...

I'm just confused as to the claims of it being a permanent coating.

Anyone have experience with this, and is Perma-Plate a similar type of coating? :confused:


ken tuep
11-02-2013, 11:18 AM
My understanding is its permanent in that is wont wash away. I believe you would still have to claybar at least once a year, and polish every 2-3?

I would assume that contamination can still stick to it, making the water not bead or sheet as easily.

The swirling and scratches would be in the Coating, and not the clearcoat, making the clearcoat last longer.

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11-02-2013, 11:36 AM
You can still wax the car to bring out more shine and I have it on my wife car for 2 years and still going strong. As Ken said Opti-coat is like a 2nd so it helps protect the paint. Yes it will fail after some time yes nothing is for ever or paint correction would never be needed. Opti-coat pro has a 5 year warranty.

VP Mark
11-02-2013, 11:57 AM
Think if it this way.. even if it only lasts you say 2 years with good care with 2.0, is that not a better way to take care of your car than constantly waxing or sealing it?

The answer to that question is why coatings are quickly becoming as popular as waxes and sealants.

By the way.. even opti coat 2.0 will last you a lot longer than 2 years.

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11-02-2013, 12:34 PM
The following thread may help shed some light upon Opti-Coat's durability:




11-02-2013, 01:26 PM
You can still wax the car to bring out more shine and I have it on my wife car for 2 years and still going strong. As Ken said Opti-coat is like a 2nd so it helps protect the paint. Yes it will fail after some time yes nothing is for ever or paint correction would never be needed. Opti-coat pro has a 5 year warranty.

I did not know about the 5 yr warranty on the pro...that helps to shed some light on the subject...

I was asking this question just to really see, once and for all, if there really was just 1 coating that you could put on your car and never have to apply any other wax/sealant/coating again (with proper washing and maintenance, of course), or is it just not practical to think that the coating will last for over 5 yrs without putting any protection on top of it to make it last longer?

I guess my hesitation comes from the ol' saying: If something sounds too good to be true, then it really isn't...

11-02-2013, 03:15 PM
I did not know about the 5 yr warranty on the pro...that helps to shed some light on the subject...

I was asking this question just to really see, once and for all, if there really was just 1 coating that you could put on your car and never have to apply any other wax/sealant/coating again (with proper washing and maintenance, of course), or is it just not practical to think that the coating will last for over 5 yrs without putting any protection on top of it to make it last longer?

I guess my hesitation comes from the ol' saying: If something sounds too good to be true, then it really isn't...

Do check out my thread as provided above by Bob. My car is Opti-Coated when it is new and it is now 4.5 years. And all I do is ONR weekly with occasional top up with OID. And I am living in a country with tropical weather, which means now it can be hot sun, and then sudden downpour, and then hot sun again; which promotes the happening of watermarks etching. But then, do check out the thread for the picts and judge for yourself.

No re-coat, no seal, no wax all in these 4.5 years.

11-02-2013, 04:54 PM
Do check out my thread as provided above by Bob. My car is Opti-Coated when it is new and it is now 4.5 years. And all I do is ONR weekly with occasional top up with OID. And I am living in a country with tropical weather, which means now it can be hot sun, and then sudden downpour, and then hot sun again; which promotes the happening of watermarks etching. But then, do check out the thread for the picts and judge for yourself.

No re-coat, no seal, no wax all in these 4.5 years.

Thanks ZeroSP. Wow, that is proof that the coating is really working like it states that it would! I'm so glad you posted the pics and video. It just seemed too good to be true somehow, but your results don't lie! :xyxthumbs:

tuscarora dave
11-02-2013, 05:14 PM
Take a close look at and consider the terms and conditions of the warranty. If you can adhere precisely to those terms and conditions, the product should last the current rated life of a car's paint system.

If not and it can be proven the fault of the product then I guess you'd have a case for repair or replacement of it.

With the recent surge of coatings coming to the market the Opti-Coat Pro authorized installer thing seems more complicated than what I want to be involved in, so if I use any Optimum coatings into the future it'll be regular old consumer grade Opti-Coat 2.0

I absolutely tortured my coating of 2.0 worse than any average Joe would and it lasted over 2 years so that's all I'm willing to advertise for it's life span on a customer's car. If treated sweetly I'm sure it would last a lot longer.

11-03-2013, 12:43 AM
Thanks ZeroSP. Wow, that is proof that the coating is really working like it states that it would! I'm so glad you posted the pics and video. It just seemed too good to be true somehow, but your results don't lie! :xyxthumbs:


11-03-2013, 03:37 PM
I was a skeptic, but you have to think of it this way. It's 65 dollars. It was the best 65 dollars I spent considering I only used about 15 dollars worth of product. after the first wash your jaw just drops from being amazed.

The beading is absolutely insane and water just runs off the hood. You may have to reapply after a year-2 years just to polish off the swirls from the surface of the coating, but Atleast you know that your car has been protected as a whole.

Definitely the best money I've spent in car detailing so far.

Ron Meadows
11-03-2013, 09:09 PM
I put a coat on my wife's new 2013 Durango and about 2 months later while washing it I noticed a ton of water spots on the hood. As far as I know it was only out in the rain one time in that 2 months. Guess I'm in the minority....I'm not impressed.

11-03-2013, 10:24 PM
I put a coat on my wife's new 2013 Durango and about 2 months later while washing it I noticed a ton of water spots on the hood. As far as I know it was only out in the rain one time in that 2 months. Guess I'm in the minority....I'm not impressed.

One thing with OC is its not a magic coating. You don't want water, bird bombs, tree sap etc. to sit on your car. OC is just like your clear coat on your can and you still have to remove these things is a timely manner or theyt can still do damage.

Now with your car having the OC the coating will take the damage instead of the clear coat on the car.

I highly recommend if you do OC you should practice regular maintenance on your car just like you would anything else like a wax or sealant. OC can not be neglected and hosed of and expect to be flawless. I have had OC on my GF car now since May and I have had no water spots no bird bomb etching no pitting, and no failure. I am thrilled with OC and what it can offer.

11-04-2013, 12:01 AM
I put a coat on my wife's new 2013 Durango and about 2 months later while washing it I noticed a ton of water spots on the hood. As far as I know it was only out in the rain one time in that 2 months. Guess I'm in the minority....I'm not impressed.

Opticoat wasnt designed to magically stop these things. You still need to maintain it. You'll still get water sports, swirls etc if you have bad habits.

11-04-2013, 12:22 AM
Brand new car. Just do it. Look at the number of positive reviews. I was skeptical at first and applied Opti Coat 2.0 only to the roof and rims. Four months later I wish I had applied it to the whole car. I would recommend doing two layers 48 hours apart. Three or more layers and you'll start having problems with rainbow high spots. Then baby the car for 30 days afterwards as it takes about a month for the coating to reach its full hardness. I was amazed yesterday when washing off some bird bombs how they didn't even stick. I could pluck them off with my fingers.