View Full Version : Painted metal trim?

10-20-2013, 03:21 PM
Hi I had a question about the trim on my father-in-laws Kia. He had asked me to detail it and I got my first look at it yesterday. I've seen his Kia a bunch of times but never took a closer look until last night. It's got swirls all over and some deep scratches but that's not my concern. He had asked me what I could do about the rear pillars. When I looked at them they just looked like plastic covers that were fading until I touched them. They are metal with what looks like matte paint? He had asked me if I could brighten them up again and I didn't have an answer because I had never dealt with anything like that yet. I was going to use trim restore until I found out it was metal now I'm just at a loss. What do you guys use on stuff like this if there is anything that can be used? Thanks in advance.

Mike Phillips
10-21-2013, 06:41 AM
I think this covers are some type of anodizing? If so there's not much you can do that will last.

Anything you apply will be more or less topical and wash or rinse off over time.

You might have some luck with a coating or a sealant but only testing will show.


10-21-2013, 07:15 AM
What Kia?

10-21-2013, 08:58 AM
Kia sportage I believe is what it is.