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10-09-2013, 09:18 PM
I had to do a rough draft for my English class, that's due tomorrow. It was an essay in process analysis. So I chose detailing, I got a lot of info from Mike's Book. I just wanted to hear what you guys thought about it. It had to be 2 pages, but I went over a page, I could have kept going on and on lol Im the MAN


Art :xyxthumbs:

10-09-2013, 09:52 PM
A Quick Guide to a “I just got my car Detailed”
That anyone can do by: Detailing Art

All these tools and supplies that I will be talking about can be picked up at your local auto parts store, Meguiar’s is a good all-around detail supplier. So when in doubt you can always choose Meguiar’s, which has been around since 1901. Always avoid working direct sunlight, especially if the temperature is high. If the paint is hot to the touch, either wait till the sun is going down or start early in the morning, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. You will first want to do the interior of your car, by first vacuuming the interior. This will help remove any dirt from the carpet or seats of your car. Then you will want to follow by wiping down your dash board. You will want to wipe using a microfiber towel. First start by spraying the towel; avoid directly spraying into the interior to avoid getting spray in unwanted surfaces, i.e. windows, steering wheel, mirrors. Once the inside of your car has been detailed, you can close the doors to keep the interior clean for the following steps. However, make sure the windows are closed, to avoid getting water inside your car.

You will then want to wash your wheels and tires. Using an all-purpose cleaner, I recommend Meguiar’s All Purpose Cleaner Plus, and some tire and wheel brushes will be needed. You want to do this next, so you don’t work backwards. For example, detailing the exterior of your car, in this case your paint and windows. Then going back and cleaning your wheels and tires, you will run the risk of getting road grime or brake dust on your clean paint surface, which you want to avoid. After cleaning your wheels, you could apply a wax to the metal, for an added gloss and protection to your wheels paint, just make sure you do not work with the same applicator pad on your wheels and tires. You always want to work surgically clean. You will next apply a tire dressing to your tires. The dressing will not only protect the rubber on your tires, but it will also enhance the shine to them.

Next, you will want to inspect the surface of your paint, by thoroughly washing and drying, you will eliminate any dirt or grime on the surface of your cars paint. Once your car is washed and dried, it is time to inspect the paint. You will need to physically feel the paint for above surface contaminants. Above surface contaminants could come from, brake dust, rail dust from rail road tracks, over spray paint, which comes from auto body shops painting other cars. If you do not feel above surface contaminants you could also do the “baggie test” which will enhance your sense of touch. You put on a clear simple sandwich bag and run the bag very lightly over your washed paint. If you do feel any roughness, this is an indicator that your car needs to be clay barred. Detailing clay removes contaminants on your paint by simply gliding over your paint, to remove the above surface contaminants, without sanding or abrading your paint. You will need a clay bar and a quick detailer. Knead the clay in 4 ½ to 5 inches in diameter. You will want to thoroughly spray the paint and clay bar to make sure there is enough lubricity with your quick detailer, when moving the clay bar back and forth, to remove the above surface contaminants. After doing a panel, inspect the clay bar to see how much gunk it has picked up from your paint. If needed refold the clay and knead it, to a fresh clean surface. It is very important to note, that if you drop the clay on the ground. You will need to completely throw that piece of clay to the trash and start with a new piece. Clay bars are very tacky and could pick up any invisible particles from the ground, which will instill scratches into your cars paint. This will then be difficult and time consuming to remove.

Once your car is free of any above surface contaminants, you will want to seal your paint. You have to understand that the paint on your cars factory paint finish is very thin, as thin as yellow sticky note. So you should protect your factory paint. Applying a wax not only will add a layer of protection. It will also add some gloss to your cars paint finish. Allow wax to dry to a haze and gently wipe it off. Contrary to popular belief, the “wax on, wax off” technique is not a proper technique. By running your applicator pad in so many small circles, if a contaminant should get instilled in the applicator pad. You run the risk of making circular scratches, which would be a lot harder to remove then back and forth scratches. So you always want to wax in the direction the wind blows when you are driving. After wiping off your hazed wax, it’s time to inspect the paint. You can go around looking for spots that you may have missed. If you missed a spot, simply spray some quick detailer spray and wipe off with a clean micro fiber towel. Once you are done and satisfied with your detail work, give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. With proper maintenance and care, detailing your car will only become faster as you gain more experience and also easier since you will be working on a well maintained surface.

10-09-2013, 09:53 PM
I just copied and pasted so you guys don't have to click the link.
This is for a non detailer btw ^

My teacher always says, "I am stupid!" (she really does) lol, she then says explain it to me like I am stupid. I tried my best to explain it to a regular joe, first time reader that has never detailed before lol

10-09-2013, 10:35 PM
Art the content and info is there but I think you need more of an intro. Something along the lines of have you ever considered detailing your car or having it professionally detailed, if so there's a few steps and some other tips you should know first. Then talk a little bit about detailing. The. Outline the steps and tips in each subsequent paragraph in the order you'd do them. Then in the conclusion restate the intro and come up with something catchy to close it out.

10-09-2013, 11:40 PM
Thanks for reading, I actually should have stated this. My teacher said she does not want an introduction or conclusion. She just wants the process analysis. So basically step by step, nothing else.

I'll work on the steps however, she did say she wants every step in its proper order. Like if I was writing a recipe, so it could all come together.

10-09-2013, 11:44 PM
as to the catchy part at the end, I did think of saying something like Junkman, lol

"well there you go, boys and girls, there is A Quick Guide to a I just got my car Detailed” " lol but the teacher said she didn't want any of that. (darn) :dunno: lol

10-10-2013, 07:26 AM
Just looking at the composition...seems those paragraphs are too long. Take a look at where the 'subject' changes and make a new paragraph. Example, in the first paragraph you are talking about Meguiar's then right after 1901, you talk about working in direct sun light. Need a new paragraph. Make sense?

Is this for a 'Tech Writing' class or what?


10-10-2013, 09:07 AM
Hi Art...

As difficult it is for me to critique a fellow AGO-ian's forum-postings (I have this certain disdain for "the grammer police")...
Doing so to your English class'-paper is proving to be even more difficult.

Suffice it to say that your subject matter for this paper is probably second-nature to you;
but taking the time to read it aloud to, say: your lady friend...will go a long way in noting the proper placement of
punctuation, paragraphing, and other: "Writing of a Paper" parameters, in my honest opinion.
Or: Have the tables turned...Have her read it aloud to you!

I do trust in your having faith in yourself...and yours in your "higher power".
Hope you receive an A+!!



10-10-2013, 10:24 AM
Just looking at the composition...seems those paragraphs are too long. Take a look at where the 'subject' changes and make a new paragraph. Example, in the first paragraph you are talking about Meguiar's then right after 1901, you talk about working in direct sun light. Need a new paragraph. Make sense?

Is this for a 'Tech Writing' class or what?


Yeah it makes sense, thanks.

It's just a General ed english class.

10-10-2013, 10:30 AM
I didn't think about that Bob. I will have her read it to me actually. Good idea, and thanks for the tip. This is just a rough draft. So i'll receive it back, correct it and turn in the final copy when the time comes.

Thanks guys :xyxthumbs:

10-10-2013, 12:25 PM
Are are the few things I would personally change:

Always avoid working in direct sunlight

You always want to work surgically clean: While I understand what you are trying to say, it is incorrect. Surgically clean means disenfection of the tools you work with and a sterile environment. Neither apply to detailing. I would use an other way of saying it.

Other than that it's good. Your teacher just might learn something ;)

10-10-2013, 12:39 PM
Oh yeah forgot the "in" quick fix. The rest I'll have to leave it as is, cos I'm off to class lol.

I'll scan the corrections when she hands it back. Thanks guys ^


10-10-2013, 03:19 PM

I was able to make the changes you guys suggested, and I attached my business card too as well hahah :buffing:

10-10-2013, 03:56 PM
I am assuming that this is for a college level class. As you should realize is that the average reading level in the United States is eight grade. Most newspapers with the exception of the Wall Street Journal which is written at a 12th grade reading level.

The basic information is written well. It is your format and organization of the information. Like subjects should be placed in the same paragraph and lead into other topics in order. Basically did you do an outline prior to writing th essay? The oultine will guide you on how to put your thoughts together and place them in the right order so you can add your fluff words (Filler).

Writing can be difficult at first but will become easier as you go along.

My issue is your teacher calling you stupid. I feel that you as the student who is willing to learn, pays attention, and does the homework. I tell the teacher why can't you teach.

Just my 2 cents.

10-10-2013, 04:01 PM
What are you going to school for art?