View Full Version : Update to the wax-chart needed?

10-08-2013, 10:05 PM
Dear Autogeek.net :-)
First off, thanks a lot for keeping this site running and throwing out cool products, reviews and thanks for the advise you share!
That said, would it be possible to update of the comparison chart?
Autogeek Swirl Removers & Compounds Comparison Chart (http://www.auto-geek.net/charts/wax-cut-chart-master.htm)

I'm new to the compounding world, and a chart like the above is a great help to navigate through the jungle...
I placed and received my second order of products last week, and would perhaps have added some Wolfgang Compound that autogeek just launched to the order, especially after reading Mike's review...
Thanks a lot again!

10-08-2013, 11:12 PM
I believe you know it is a compounds comparison chart, so why did you titled it wax-chart? I clicked thinking there was such thing

10-09-2013, 06:55 AM
I believe you know it is a compounds comparison chart, so why did you titled it wax-chart? I clicked thinking there was such thing
If you look at the URL-name, it's called /Wax-cut-chart-master.htm at the end of the URL-string - don't see that as a huge issue in the posting of this thread? Should have mentioned it contains polishes too...
Anyway, my request would be an update to the chart that I linked to, wax/compound/polish chart...:-)

Mike Phillips
10-09-2013, 09:03 AM
Dear Autogeek.net :-)

First off, thanks a lot for keeping this site running and throwing out cool products, reviews and thanks for the advise you share!

It's always a team effort around here as we're all spokes in the wheel. Thank on behalf over everyone at Autogeek.

That said, would it be possible to update of the comparison chart?

Autogeek Swirl Removers & Compounds Comparison Chart (http://www.auto-geek.net/charts/wax-cut-chart-master.htm)

I'm new to the compounding world, and a chart like the above is a great help to navigate through the jungle...

I'll send the link to this thread to some of my co-workers, see if they want to tackle this project. I would but I have enough on my plate with current projects.


10-09-2013, 09:36 AM
No way Wolfgang Finishing Glaze and Meguiar's M205 have the same abrasiveness as the current chart indicates

10-09-2013, 09:39 AM
I believe you know it is a compounds comparison chart, so why did you titled it wax-chart? I clicked thinking there was such thing

There are couple of AIOs in there as well.

10-09-2013, 10:50 AM
I'm surprised Meg's M81 and M7 aren't in the same column. I thought they were essentially the same product.
I don't equate M81 to having similar agressiveness to M82 in my experience.

10-09-2013, 11:10 AM
I'm new to the compounding world
"The charts need upgraded" is an often heard, and legitimate recurring theme.

But until this particular "wax-chart": Autogeek Swirl Removers & Compounds Comparison Chart (http://www.auto-geek.net/charts/wax-cut-chart-master.htm)
is indeed upgraded...There are plenty of products listed on this chart that will perform at "compounding-levels".

My question to you is:
How many "test-spots"<<<(M.P.) have you performed with any of the current products so listed,
that other products that you have in mind...and not so listed...may outperform?



10-09-2013, 03:10 PM
So far, 2 testspots, so I am a complete newbie and have never stated anything else.
I love the idea of the chart, it helped me A LOT in choosing what I ended up buying, but if i.e Meg's ultimate Compound and ultimate polished would have been listed, I would maybe have looked at that some more, instead of buying a product thats of older heritage...
I get a feeling that my post is being taken as an insult and finger pointing, which is not at all what I was trying to accomplish.
I'm active on several car forums in several countries, and lend a helping hand wherever I can - and after asking about how to go about MY first testspots on this forum I was recommended a different combo than what I had ordered, and I couldn't find those on the chart, hence my question...
If I can be of any assistance in updating some of these, I'd be more than happy to do so.

10-09-2013, 03:23 PM
Hey Daniel welcome to the forum.

I'm also in Orlando - if you'd like some help sometime just let me know and I'd be happy to do what I can.



10-10-2013, 06:22 AM
Thanks rms64, I appreciate it :-)
Same goes for you...
I drive an Brazen Orange '06 GTO, a '91 Yellow Saab convertible and the mrs.' a white '03 Murano, so I've got a lot of cars to work on :-)
Do all my own maintenance and repairs, I'm a proper gearhead...

Mike Phillips
10-10-2013, 06:54 AM
Hey Daniel welcome to the forum.

I'm also in Orlando - if you'd like some help sometime just let me know and I'd be happy to do what I can.



Very nice of you Rob...

Daniel, take him up on the offer I'm sure Rob can share a number of tips and techniques to help bring your skills up to a higher level faster.

Do all my own maintenance and repairs, I'm a proper gearhead...

You're in good company...

How to Clean & Coat the INSIDE of your car's wheels (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/69426-how-clean-coat-inside-your-car-s-wheels.html)

Time to install the axle shaft with a new NAPA Gasket...


Neat and clean...


Love turning wrenches... I find it very relaxing...


10-10-2013, 07:02 AM
Thanks Mike, I will...
Turning wrenches is a real stress relief, love it :-)
Rob: I'll be in touch :-)

10-22-2013, 03:26 AM
hello friend wellcometo this forum i agree with update wax chart.