View Full Version : What exactly is "detail spray" and "spray wax."

10-04-2013, 09:52 AM
I read a lot about these two products, but most of it is marketing stuff.

I'd like to know exactly what constitutes a detail spray, and also a spray wax like ammo spit. Also, what are the benefits of using both?

I'm asking because I washed my truck and sealed it about 2 weeks ago, but since then it has a thick layer of dust on it from sitting in the garage. I have some ammo spit, could I just spray on and wipe off without causing damage? Or would I need something like a quick detail spray?

Thanks in advance guys.

10-04-2013, 10:10 AM
I read a lot about these two products, but most of it is marketing stuff.

Just curious:
On whose marketing practices did you base this opinion of yours?

I'd like to know exactly what constitutes a detail spray, and also a spray wax like ammo spit. Also, what are the benefits of using both?

Mike Phillips has some very definitive articles on both types of products (detail sprays/spray waxes)...
But I don't believe this ammo product is currently included.

I'm asking because I washed my truck and sealed it about 2 weeks ago, but since then it has a thick layer of dust on it from sitting in the garage. I have some ammo spit, could I just spray on and wipe off without causing damage? Or would I need something like a quick detail spray?

Again...Reading the above referenced Mike Phillips' articles would be a God-send for this particular situation.

What does this: ammo spit...purport to be?
How/when is it to be used?


Audios S6
10-04-2013, 10:19 AM
^^^^The real Bob already nailed it in far fewer words that I will.

Detail Spray/Quick detailer - spray applied product for the purpose of removing LIGHT dust, finger prints and other minor surface contaminants.

Spray wax - spray applied product for the purpose of apply a protective layer of wax or polymer to enhance the appearance.

Those would be the two extremes. And while some here will argue they are different things, I would say that there is so much grey area and overlap that you need to look at the specific product to determine if it meets your needs. Some QDs have protection or gloss enhancers and some QWs have extra lubrication for cleaning. For example: Four star ultimate spray wax specifically states that it can be used as a waterless wash (although I don't feel that it has enough lubrication).

For a heavy layer of dust, you would be better off with a waterless wash or rinseless wash than a QD or QW. But even that is grey area, there are some QDs that have better lubrication than some waterless washes.

I posted about my need for a new QD/QW recently and got several great responses. If you choose to do the same, clearly identify the criteria you want to meet and what your anticipating to use it for.

10-04-2013, 10:19 AM
detail spray are suppose to have more lubrication and cleaning agents, so you can clean stuff off such as light dirt, smudges, tire sling, and bird dropping

spray waxes, (although some say you can use it for light dust), should be used to a clean surface to add more protection, reloading the protection for 7-10 days (depending on product)

10-04-2013, 10:20 AM
This is from Larry's site write-up on Ammo Spit:

"AMMO Spit is for the dust or light dirt that has been casually accumulating on your car. It is a civilized spray wax for resolutely quick, safe, dimensional, on-the-fly touchups. Draws stares like moths to a light bulb. Please allow one week for delivery."

I haven't used it personally but I've heard good things about the AMMO line, and Larry is one of the better detailers in the industry. Not that the aforementioned always correlates with quality products, but I do believe it does in this case because he was more hands-on with the formulation than usual.

As for your question, I'd try to answer it myself, but like FUN just said, no one will do it better than Mike Phillips in his write-ups. Absolutely everything you will want to know and much more.

10-04-2013, 10:35 AM
This is from Larry's site write-up on Ammo Spit:

"AMMO Spit is for the dust or light dirt that has been casually accumulating on your car. It is a civilized spray wax for resolutely quick, safe, dimensional, on-the-fly touchups. Draws stares like moths to a light bulb. Please allow one week for delivery."

I haven't used it personally but I've heard good things about the AMMO line, and Larry is one of the better detailers in the industry. Not that the aforementioned always correlates with quality products, but I do believe it does in this case because he was more hands-on with the formulation than usual.

As for your question, I'd try to answer it myself, but like FUN just said, no one will do it better than Mike Phillips in his write-ups. Absolutely everything you will want to know and much more.
Thanks, DG3.7 for providing ammo spit's product-description!

How can a person not appreciate the fact that it's: Civilized.
Yet: Dimensional.

I know I do!!

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10-04-2013, 10:38 AM
How can a person not appreciate the fact that it's: Civilized.
Yet: Dimensional.

I know I do!!

http://www.easyfreesmileys.com/smileys/free-character-smileys-220.gif (http://www.easyfreesmileys.com/skype-emoticons.html)


:iagree: Off to stare at the 40% off brands and resist the urge to add everything to my cart!

10-04-2013, 11:20 AM
I'm what you could call a detail spray and spray wax aficionado. Basically, here is the definition as I see it:

1. Detail Spray: A spray that can clean very light dust, dirt, or fingerprints off exterior surfaces of vehicles, especially paint. Most add some gloss and light "booster" protection.

2. Spray Wax: A spray that can add protection and gloss to to exterior surfaces of vehicles, especially paint. Should mostly be used on clean surfaces, although some may have very light cleaners. There may or may not be any actual wax in "spray wax".

10-04-2013, 11:32 AM
I use detail spray when my car is still clean, very little dust, I always use it after I wash my car, makes for spot free paint.

Spray wax is something I use every few washes or if I'm lazy:)
Couldn't do without either one.

Oh, I spray detail spray on my car before drying it, gives me a little lube which is helpful