View Full Version : 2 bucket method

06-02-2006, 10:17 AM
I know lots of people use the two bucket method, but what is the difference when compared to spraying your mitt clean before putting it in the soap again. Is there any advantages when using the two bucket method to the spray method, even if you aren't using Grit Gaurd? Thanks in advance :)

06-02-2006, 10:26 AM
when using the two bucket method, you can actually agitate the mitt in the rinse water which makes trapped dirt come out of the mitt easier. Think of it this way, you have 2 identical sets of dirty pants. One you run through the washing machine which agitates the pants while the second you take outside and spray down with your garden hose. which do you think will be cleaner when you're done?

06-02-2006, 11:58 AM
FYI - Here is a post I made at DC a little whie back regarding 2 buckets...

What a difference using 2 buckets make versus only using 1 !!! If you are still only using 1 bucket for a wash you need to see what dirt and grim is staying in your wash water, and potentially staying on your mitt and going right back onto your car...


The blue bucket is my soap bucket, and the yellow bucket is my mitt-rinse bucket. I knew that the yellow bucket would have a lot of dirt, but I was amazed that the blue bucket had absolutely no dirt showing up. This should convince you to use the 2 bucket method and rinse out your mitt frequently and definitely before putting it back into your soap bucket.

06-02-2006, 12:04 PM
just wait until you get a foam gun jeff... Your rinse bucket will look almost identical to your soap bucket in terms of how dirty the water is. The foam carries the dirt off instead of letting it stay in the mitt. All the more reason to go buy one :D

heck, foam gun + the optimum wash soap gallon sale = a month (in my/killr's case b/c we wash so much) or two (in everyone elses case) of safe washing for a cheap price!

06-02-2006, 12:07 PM
I think abrcombe's question was "is there a difference between using two buckets vs. spraying the mitt with the hose before putting it back in the bucket". That is how I have been doing it. Before putting the mitt back into the soap bucket I spray the mitt with my spray nozzle. It seems to me that this is better than a second bucket, but maybe I'm wrong!

06-02-2006, 12:12 PM
well, i answered that question. My personal opinion is that a separate rinse bucket is better because you can agitate the mitt vs just spraying it with water.

06-02-2006, 01:43 PM
I currently use the one bucket, one foam gun technique. Wash of the mitt with the bucket of water , and shoot away with the foam gun.

06-02-2006, 03:21 PM
just wait until you get a foam gun jeff... Your rinse bucket will look almost identical to your soap bucket in terms of how dirty the water is. The foam carries the dirt off instead of letting it stay in the mitt. All the more reason to go buy one :D

I do use a foam gun, but as a pre-soak rather than to continuously provide a soapy layer between mitt and surface. Just becuase I'm lazy, that's all.

06-02-2006, 04:32 PM
Hey, great replies! Thanks for all the input!

well, i answered that question. My personal opinion is that a separate rinse bucket is better because you can agitate the mitt vs just spraying it with water.

Do you agitate the wash mitt with both hands in the water or kind of just swish it around in there?

Thanks again guys

06-02-2006, 04:46 PM
mitt goes on the right hand, agitate the hairs with the left.

06-02-2006, 05:23 PM
cool man. Thanks! looks like im going to be starting the two bucket method until I buy a foam gun. Then I might use the other bucket for soaking the mitts (thanks neothin);)

06-03-2006, 03:02 PM
What about using a bucket with the grit guard? Still use two buckets?

06-03-2006, 03:05 PM
What about using a bucket with the grit guard? Still use two buckets?


well unless you get a foam gun !