View Full Version : Problems with DP paint coating.

09-30-2013, 07:25 PM
I just got the dp coating and i'm having a hard time with it. I did three cars, put two coats on them and used 1/3 bottle. My problem was trying to figure out if i put enough on and if it covered everything. After i spray the coating on its hard to see what was covered. I was wondering what people used to spread the coating out with. I seem to have the best luck with the microfiber pad that came with my bfcs. I tried a cotton wax application pad but it was putting scratches in my soft blue impala paint. I just did my dads white impala today and i used the microfiber pad and it seemed to go on smooth but i was wondering if you guys think the microfiber was soaking up a lot of the product. The instructions say Work Detailer's Paint Coating into the section of paint using overlapping passes until product appears to disappear. How can i do that if you can't see the product on the vehical. Any suggestions would help. I have mine and my dads impalas done and my chevelle and i just want to make sure there protected.

09-30-2013, 07:34 PM
Are you doing this in a garage? If so, do you have good lighting? A headlamp will help during application. White is hard to see..look at it at different angles.

VP Mark
09-30-2013, 07:34 PM
I would use a foam applicator pad if I were you. It soaks up less product.

Don't be so overly concerned about "Seeing" it flash. If you were to take a LED behind your applicator pad you would see that plenty of product is spreading, DP paint coating just flashes REALLY fast. I wish they would make the flash a bit slower in the next incarnation, it seems to be giving people who don't have a lot of experience with opti coat or WOWA products a lot of issues.

I've used this stuff a lot already by the way, around 12 vehicles and about to start my second bottle.

09-30-2013, 07:39 PM
Yes i do use it in the garage, i have pretty good lighting, i think i'll go get a led light for my head. I was wondering how many sprays you guys use on the hood and fenders on the average.

09-30-2013, 07:43 PM
I never used DP paint coating, but for OptiCoat the OptiDual pro applicator really made a difference for me. The "coating side" is foam, but seems to absorb no product, therefore, all the product spreads on the paint. Not only do you use much less (applicator stays dry because it absorbs no product); but the product can be spread faster and father and you can feel it applying.

09-30-2013, 08:19 PM
If you did 3 cars twice, that's like doing 6 cars total and the label claims 15 or so applications and you've only used a third of the bottle. I'd say you're applying it right.

09-30-2013, 10:04 PM
While doing a a correction on my friend's car I had my first experience with the DP paint coating. I "think" I got everything covered, but its hard to be 100% certain. I read a decent amount of reviews on here so I had an idea of what to expect. I could kind of see the product spreading.

For the hood, for example, I had to use about 6 sprays, not including the 1 to prime the OptiDual pro applicator (used the harder/thinner coating side). It seems like 1 spray would aerosolize to cover about a 2' x 2' area and including the almost instantaneous flash time, I tried to spread it out as fast as humanly possible doing a left to right and up and down pattern. I would go for a couple passes even after the product disappeared in hopes that there was still some product not visible to the naked eye spreading across for a more complete and even coating. I know some people said that you don't need to use a lot of the coating, but to me it seems that I had to break up panels in the same fashion as if I was polishing. Since the product flashed so quickly, I realistically couldn't see myself spreading sufficient product fast enough on anything more than a 2' x 2' section or "roughly" the area of coverage a good aerosolized spray would generally cover.

The backing of the particular OptiDual applicator I was using was a little harder than I expected and I was a little scared I was instilling small scratches from having to move so fast over the surface to sufficiently spread it. To me it seemed the softer, slightly more porous side, would fair better with regards to "gentleness" over the paint. Despite this, I stuck to using the "coating" side since that's what I was using.

09-30-2013, 10:06 PM
I use the CarPro Applicator block with the CarPro Suede Microfibers for application. I saw Wors do this and copied him, and it helps apply it nice and thin. I always do two coats of it, I've done around 5 cars with it just to play around and still have a lot of the bottle left.