View Full Version : Gtechniq Product Line???

Excessive Detail
09-22-2013, 08:26 PM
Hey guys, been a while since I have been here, but I need some of you guys expert advise. So I decided that I want to venture into the arena specialty coatings like Gtechniq, which seems to be the brand I want to go with. I have been trying to do as much research as possible to avoid bugging you guys, but unfortunately I'm stumped. I have an understanding of the basics regarding Gtechniq products, but out of the various products in the line, figuring out exactly which ones I need and don't need (basically getting what I need to do the job, not going over board, staying within my budget. Anyways, I have a few questions, Ill just throw them out there. Feel free to comment or advise. Thank You.

Basically my goal is to protect a vehicle with a product that will last a long time, look good, withstand the elements, and make cleaning easier, something that will kinda give me some comfort when I cant maintain the vehicle as often as I'd like to.

1. C1 or EXO, or both. I know the basic difference, one last longer, one beads water better, etc. etc... but do I really need both. From what I can tell C1 last the longest, so can I just go with that, or will adding EXO on top really make it that much better.

Or what about about going solely with EXO???

2. I had read that most of the Gtechniq products share the same basic components meaning, for example EXO can be used on the majority of the surfaces??? Also, I believe I read that C1 can function just the same as C4 on trim... True? Not True? If true, than I guess there is no need for buying C4 just use C1 on trim, right?? Or while C4 has similar properties to C1 it still has something more in it that makes it it work better for its specified application?? I guess the same can be asked about C5 and the glass coatings.

3. Where do the two products, C2v3 and SiloSeal fall into this equation?? Whats the difference first and are they worth getting?? My understanding is that siloseal is a pure sealant, and C2v3 can be used as a sealant or diluted as a QD with some sealant properties??? I see that some of the kits sold include C1 and either siloseal or C2v3, which goes back to my first question, ultimately having C1 as my base coating, do these combination work just as good as C1 and EXO... or is C1 and exo still the best way to get the protection I need???

I really hope that I made sense with these questions, thank you for taking the time to look at this.. Im just worn out trying to figure this one out. Thanks Guys.

09-23-2013, 07:40 AM
Im doing the same thing. Just bought C1 and EXO v2. I hear this combo is one of the best looking out there. C1 for the protection and exo for the looks and hydrophobic properties. Can't wait! subbed

Excessive Detail
09-23-2013, 08:02 AM
One more question, how many vehicles can the 15 and 30 ml bottles do??