View Full Version : Went to a Show N' Shine today

06-16-2007, 06:03 PM
More like Swirl N' Show!!

I was pretty amazed, I checked every single vehicle and there was only 1 that had 0 swirls on it, very few (maybe 10%) had few swirls, the rest had lots n' lots of 'em.. a few more were coming in when I left, but still!! Thats 50+ vehicles, most were classics, and only 1 without swirls?

I had to stand there and scratch my head.

I even asked a bunch of people if they usually wax their car... pretty much all no's and most of them even said they didn't even have wax on their car at the time!!

I'd have taken some pictures if I had camera with me... but still you get the idea, swirls and more swirls.

Saw one person putting pledge on his car though.. he put it on everything.. paint, wheels, tires.. chrome.. everything but the windows!

Nothing was as shiny as pretty much any of the cars in the Show N' Shine section on this forum.. except one that was just repainted red recently... but still didn't have any wax on it!! Just a QD.


Anyways, can't wait for my order to arrive even more so now, realizing that these people are seriously in need of some quality detailing.

06-16-2007, 06:04 PM
Why don't you ever take pics Tropicality? We all love pics...

06-16-2007, 06:06 PM
Why don't you ever take pics Tropicality? We all love pics...

Well theres a bunch of these cars that park down by the strip on the evenings in the weekends, as long as the skies clear up tonight so it doesnt rain I'll head over and snap some! If not then.. next week!

06-16-2007, 06:07 PM
Love it, we all love pics here! Gary just yelled at me for not having pics and he's RIGHT!

06-16-2007, 06:11 PM
Love it, we all love pics here! Gary just yelled at me for not having pics and he's RIGHT!

Just checked the weather and there's a severe thunderstorm warning for the rest of the night, so unless I can work some kind of magic I won't have pics til next week..

06-16-2007, 06:13 PM
Noticed the same here, after some time at AGol, you start looking after those swirls on every car you see.

The first i notice when i read a car mag is wells and swirls...lol

Gary Sword
06-16-2007, 06:27 PM
Love it, we all love pics here! Gary just yelled at me for not having pics and he's RIGHT!

Way to go P1et. We got to have pics even if they are swirly cars. ;)

06-16-2007, 11:17 PM
Well the storm was circling our city and it was sunny outside so I went for a drive and saw a few of these cars out by the strip so I stopped to take some pictures, here they are. As you can see in the reflections, the sun was just going down. I didn't know how they were going to turn out because the last time I took close up pictures of paint they were all blurry. But it seems they turned out okay, but there were more swirls in them then you can see in the pictures.. I'll have to practice taking pictures of swirls... what fun!!

This first one was the only one there in mostly non-swirly shape, he told me he has 6 layers of clearcoat on there which gives it the gloss, plus there is a layer of Mothers gold paste wax on top.



Can't really see the swirls in the above - there are very very few, but in the following picture you can see some down by my elbow. Car is also a bit dirty (see the following 2 pics). I'm also not quite sure what those long arm things are coming from the sun... anyone know??


Took this pic just because it looks awesome!! (But it is dirrrty!)


Thats my white Mz3 in the back! Pics will come of that once it is ready ;)











That grin is because the guy was busy telling me that I can't use his car to show you guys! haha.. I actually talked to this guy quite a bit, he had got the car from across the continent, from NY all the way here. He doesn't know much about fully detailing a vehicle and I think he ended up learning quite a bit from me.. thanks to you guys! hahaha. I ended up giving him my # and he told me I'd probably hear from him in the future! It is full of swirls and other small scratches, plus a few paint flaws (clearcoat bubbles in one spot as well as a few 'bumps' under the paint) other than that its in pretty good shape..except the swirls!!


Well there you have it!! All of the other cars at the Show N' Shine were about the same as the above ones.

06-17-2007, 12:12 AM
some vettes at car shows are scary swirled! check them out sometime! the horrors....

06-17-2007, 12:19 AM
that is some cool gold leaf on the orange car

Gary Sword
06-17-2007, 06:20 AM
Alright pictures! They do have some nice swirls.

06-17-2007, 06:37 AM
The skulls in the flames looked really cool. If I had a car with that kind of paint job, there wouldn't be a spec of dirty on it....:awesome:

06-17-2007, 09:06 AM
I appreciate you taking the time to go out and get some pics, looks like a great show. I still am baffled as to how they make the flames look so realistic on those cars. Love it!

06-17-2007, 12:35 PM
that is some cool gold leaf on the orange car

Looks like a Candy paint to me..

06-17-2007, 12:46 PM
Dude those are some fine lookig swirls :D hahahaha

Your not the only one's that have noticed swirls, I went to the last car show or what is world of wheels? Cant remember, well there were lots of vehicles and they all had swirls like you wouldn't beleave, sad thing was that majority of the people were saying "look how shiny the car is"..I stood there looking at the cars and saying to my self boy if they think that's shiny they should look at it when it's really done right.

Question, where was this show? The cars look good but the swirls look much better hahahahaha just kidding the cars are classics very nice.