View Full Version : Meg's #6 cleaner wax, does it have a lot of filler?

09-08-2013, 03:05 PM
I just had a customers truck come back for maintenance wash, and ended up needing a paint Decon for over spray but that's another story, any way after the wash I notice many swirls, the truck is black and I performed a one step, about a month ago. A lot of swirls were removed but since it was a one step or more specially an aio not all were. But it looked like there was more than after correction. My main question is if the #6 has fillers to conceal swirls. And I'm actually looking for a good 2nd step polish with minimal fillers if any one can recommend one.

Setec Astronomy
09-08-2013, 03:07 PM
Well, most of those Meg's waxes/polishes have the Meg's "trade secret" oils in them which do a pretty good job of filling.

09-08-2013, 03:29 PM
Ok that was a short lived self doubt moment, contacted the customer to let them know about the swirls, and solved the crime, it was rinsed with a hose, and wiped down with a "shammy" words of the customer, phew that got the heart pumping a bit. Faith restored in Meg's lol. Thanks for the replies