View Full Version : Father's Day: Funny Story ~ Stick Man

06-13-2007, 10:30 AM
Ok, here is a funny story a good friend of mine told me. Perhaps it loses something in the translation, but here goes. I nearly fell over laughing as he told me with a dead pan serious look on his face.

~My buddy is raising his daughter alone. She is now 12 and he is 40. Her mom has drug issues she is resolving and lives out of state, so as a result, she not raised her daughter; her ex-husband has entirely. She does not even see her daughter that much. :(

Last year on Father's day, my friend's then 11 year old daughter had totally forgotten what day it was. He kept hinting what a nice day it was as they played, until she found it odd, and asked why he kept saying that, and he told her he was enjoying his Father's Day. Mind you, she always made a fuss over Mother's Day, although she ultimately is Daddy's girl.:confused: She now realized she had forgotten.

With that, she went running out of the house and did not return for about 20 minutes.

She returns with a stick figure configured with sticks from the tree in their yard taped together with scotch tape.
Yes, you heard that right!!

He is like, WHAT is this? She says it is a stick man, and asks him if he likes it in a very genuine manner.
He tells her no, and goes to throw it away.
She got upset - offended, seriously, that he did not like stick man.
So, in their home Father's Day is now known as stick day.
I have to ask - what on earth was she thinking?????? It was so funny. She is not slow or anything - who knows what goes through kid's heads sometimes, eh?
(Like I said, you had to be there.)

So, for those of you who have or had decent fathers, remember them this upcoming Sunday. And not with a stick man. That is not the kind of wood a man likes to play with!:D :D :D

06-13-2007, 10:43 AM
Oh, and I have to remember to put a bow on a stick for him this Sunday.

Gary Sword
06-13-2007, 11:35 AM
I think you must have had to be there Lauren.

06-13-2007, 11:55 AM
I think you must have had to be there Lauren.

You are probably right, Gary....but it really was hysterical!

Anyway, hope you enjoy your wood on Father's Day.
I think I am just so happy my seniors are gone (they check out two days early) that I am delirious.