View Full Version : Master Blaster for interiors?

08-31-2013, 12:07 PM
I use my MB more for exterior dusting these days, since I seldom do full washes anymore. While dusting the exterior today, I got the crazy idea to try it on the interior.

A few caveats first: I don't think this is a substitute for a vacuum if you have lots of dirt/debris. For the dash buttons/electronics it's probably best to use the low setting and keep your distance and use the fan nozzle attachment.

Anyway, I think it has potential. If you have a 4-door it's best to open all 4 doors to maximize the air paths to the outside. It seemed to do a decent job blowing dust and crumbs out of the footwells and off the seats, but I think it will take a little practice to direct the air so the dust doesn't just settle somewhere else in the interior. It worked well for blowing crumbs out of the trunk as well.

Does anyone use their blaster for interiors? I'm not yet 100% convinced it's a good approach until I've tried it a few more times, but it does seem to have potential for quick interior dustings when there isn't much debris.

08-31-2013, 12:46 PM
I use compressed air for interiors often, pretty much the same concept. Just be careful where you aim it (pun intended ;p)

08-31-2013, 01:42 PM
wouldn't the blaster just be blowing dust around the interior? I could see it good for like seat rails or under/ inbetween seats.