View Full Version : Home washing.

Mr Dream Machines
06-12-2007, 09:51 PM
Gotta tell ya how pathetic I find these coin op car washes.
The industry wants you to wash your cars there but there's no way I'm using that dang brush or high pressure with gritty water.
The problem with them is

A: they don't clean wheels that well at all. (ok for wheel arches)
B: high pressure warm soap is not grit free and doesn't clean a dirty car that well at all. Not as much lube as a foam gun with DW snowstorm or extreme foam.
C: Those brushes are terrible and they don't allow bucket washing.
D : Their chemicals are too harsh
E : Don't have a flooding rinse option so drying takes longer.

For really dirty cars, there is no better way to wash then with a foam gun and two buckets with multiple mitts using blot and gentle glide wiping.
I use less water than a commercial wash and get 99% swirl free results

We are at level 3 restrictions in South Australia and I decided to contact SA water about the bucket only restrictions for washing cars at home. I gave them alot of points and my opinion and I just hope that the whole nation and USA doesn't end up banning home washing including rain water as unfortunately waterless wash technology is not good enough yet and coin ops cause scratches and swirls.

Whats happening in USA?

06-12-2007, 10:56 PM
nothings happening in th USA. I live in Southern California where it's basically a desert. We had like 6 inches of rain over the past year, if that, and there's no sort of restrictions. I am outside shootin water all over the place like a madman almost everyday. Hosing the lawn, hosing my concrete, hosing the car, HOSING EVERYTHING MAN! I love hosing stuff off, if the government tried to tell me I couldn't hose stuff off I would revolt. COUP DETAT!

06-13-2007, 06:25 AM
Where I live, I don't think i will se the day where they'll be a water ban! thank God!

06-13-2007, 09:07 AM
Ya I have heard how bad it is in Austrailia and I do pray you guys get some rain cause I know you need it. But I live in Texas and since the beginning of '07 we have gotten a ton of rain, so much that I live by a lake and all the parks are closed becuase of flooding!!! We've never heard the word restriction round these parts.

06-13-2007, 03:36 PM
We are also on restriction in Alabama. The water works has been issuing warnings and to gauge if people are bing compliant they look at your water usage. It is truly critical that we obey as we need drinking water as water to take baths with.

I'm thinking about ordering some of that One step from CG to see how good it is. I've been using PB & SW but am about to run out. Have some #921 but still want to try the CG stuff out.

Getting plenty of use out of my microfiber towels though. LOL!!!!

06-13-2007, 03:56 PM
Why would Alabama have water restrictions? Don't they get plenty of rain? They obviously need to upgrade their water supply systems, reservoirs, aquaducts, towers etc. Until then you need to move somewhere that doesn't restrict water usage.

06-13-2007, 04:02 PM
I go late in the evening when slow and not in use. I use the water to fill bucket and rinse car. Then I bucket wash with own products and use water at end to wash off car. It worked well during those water restriction months.

06-14-2007, 10:55 AM
Why would Alabama have water restrictions? Don't they get plenty of rain? They obviously need to upgrade their water supply systems, reservoirs, aquaducts, towers etc. Until then you need to move somewhere that doesn't restrict water usage.

Alabama has one of the top 5 water works systems in the nation. However, we have not received a decent amount of rain for months. We normally get plenty of showers from April through may then it slows down towards the beginning of summer, but here recently we have been getting sprinkles here and there.

Last night I noticed a drop in water pressure at the tap. We reaally need some rain to come our way. I will say this it has made it a hell of allot easier to cut my grass and hedges. :awesome:

06-14-2007, 10:58 AM
I go late in the evening when slow and not in use. I use the water to fill bucket and rinse car. Then I bucket wash with own products and use water at end to wash off car. It worked well during those water restriction months.

Thanks Killr I keep that in mind.

I couldn't take it anymore so last night I stayed outside from 9:00 until 11:30 pm washing my wife's car and mine. They were not filthy but I wanted the dust off of them and wanted to dress the tires.