View Full Version : small fibers when putting Duragloss AQ over a QD spray

08-27-2013, 01:48 PM
I've been experimenting with different approaches of using Aquawax. My guess is the following approach is not recommended. I did a light spray of Eagle One Wipe and Shine, then sprayed AQ directly onto a microfiber cloth. The AQ towel was wiped on top of the Wipe and shine and then dried with a separate microfiber towel.

It seemed to work well, but under low angle light I saw these small fibers. I couldn't tell if they were from my microfiber towel (some generic brand, recently washed), or the AQ, or by product of combing AQ on top of the wipe and shine. As I'd wipe the towel around the direction of these little fibers would move similar to when you hold a magnet underneath metal filings.


A few days before this I'd washed with Optimum no rinse, applied Duragloss 111 and let it haze for 30mins, then sprayed with Aquawax and buffed them off together.

It had the shiny, candy apple plastic look. I'd like to get a deeper look and am considering multiple layers of 111 separated by longer time periods, or Gold class liquid carnuba over the 111 to give more depth.

anyway, thought you might find this interesting.

08-27-2013, 01:52 PM
i dont think liquid products would magically create fibers, sounds like your towels have crapped themselves, get some new ones or boil them, vinegar wash, microfiber wash and hope they come back to life.

Also stop with that eagle one crap, get some UWW+ and be done with QD's for a while! :-)

08-27-2013, 02:55 PM
If 111 is too plastic for you, try 105.

08-27-2013, 03:31 PM
There might be a reaction of the two products that trashed the towel but I doubt it. Probably the towel's fault with shedding is my guess. I also agree that the 105 might give you the look you want since the 111 is really a candy apple shine. I did this on a white car and the white looked sterile after a while with the 111 sitting on top. The next time I used Collinite 845 over the 105 and left out the 111 completely. I was pleased with the look but after my next wash I sprayed with UCW and bingo! there was the look I wanted. AquaWax is great too but the holy grail for me on my ride is 105/601 combination followed by 845 and topped with UCW after about every other wash.

08-27-2013, 03:50 PM
There might be a reaction of the two products that trashed the towel but I doubt it. Probably the towel's fault with shedding is my guess. I also agree that the 105 might give you the look you want since the 111 is really a candy apple shine. I did this on a white car and the white looked sterile after a while with the 111 sitting on top. The next time I used Collinite 845 over the 105 and left out the 111 completely. I was pleased with the look but after my next wash I sprayed with UCW and bingo! there was the look I wanted. AquaWax is great too but the holy grail for me on my ride is 105/601 combination followed by 845 and topped with UCW after about every other wash.

Do you mean OCW?

08-27-2013, 04:32 PM
Yes, yes, yes. I made a mistake and don't know how I got a U in there. It is indeed OCW.

08-27-2013, 06:16 PM
Your generic brand towels are linting. Plain and simple. Get some quality towels and enjoy your aquawax!

08-27-2013, 07:04 PM
actually, I think it is waxy residue. I looked closer again today. I think it is the Eagle one wipe and shine staying on the surface and streaking when I wipe with a towel or my finger. It isn't lint like I thought.

I had some sections where I didn't use Aquawax and had just used the wipe and shine. Needless to say, I'll probably bag the Eagle One quick detailer when used with 111 and Aquawax