View Full Version : Competition pilfering/piggybacking your FB advertising?

08-27-2013, 01:14 PM
I am wondering if anyone else had had this happen and how you dealt with it???

I have had several clients enlist my services via my Facebook page. In addition, I have joined several local Facebook groups and have occasionally posted there letting people know I had an open appointment for a weekend detail along with a link to my website.

Since it is Facebook, I get a lot of "likes" and comments under those posts asking about price, services etc. I recently had a co-worker comment on one of those posts jokingly (I have already detailed their cars) asking about my services. She told me that within 12 hours she had 5 private messages from 3 other detailers offering to detail her car for "half of what that guy would charge you" and knocking my work. 2 of those posters were the wives or girlfriends of other detailers and they troll the facebook groups on their behalf.

I have since changed tactics and now post instructions on my Facebook posts to private message me or contact me through my linked website if there is interest. I only do this on weekends because I enjoy it and would never think of doing this to someone else.

How would you handle it? The last thing I want to do is call someone out on the group(s) and cause a bunch of drama, but I think it is a crappy way to do business. Any thoughts?

08-27-2013, 01:57 PM
That sucks sorry to hear this happen to you.

08-27-2013, 02:30 PM
Undercutting everyone in town will run them into the red. They won't be detailing for long. Let your results do the talking, you do very nice work.

08-27-2013, 02:33 PM
They might also pay someone else to throll also . It sux mate .

08-27-2013, 03:21 PM
I think you did all you can do. Unfortunately those tactics are as old as business competition have existed. Sorry you are dealing with this.

Your work, and your likes will speak for themselves. Don't pay mind to the trolls..... and in the same vein, don't give them all your hard work on a silver platter. You did well by changing certain items of your FB to private and linking to your website. I would definitely continue posting on FB just for the social media exposure. If you end up losing a potential client to those snake oil charmer.... just be assured they will be back (sooner than later)

Detailing by M
08-27-2013, 04:30 PM
Stand by your work.
Don't worry about scabs they will get filtered out by their under handed tactics.
I laugh at hacks and the people who go to them. I don't want customers that don't recognize the difference. My good customers know the difference and tell me "I'm the guy" just from my website and reviews. The customers who call me and wine about my price don't know the difference between me and a gas station. So I tell to go to the gas station and when they mess up your car come back to me.

Sent while I was Detailing or something related to detailing ;)